Message logging and trace information

This topic describes where to find log messages and trace information for Everyplace Mobile Portal extensions, Multi-Channel Server, and Image Conversion Service.


The following information is provided in this topic:

When the Everyplace Mobile Portal components are installed with WebSphere Portal, the log messages and trace information appear in the WebSphere Portal log files. When Multi-Channel Server is installed with a messaging Web application or Image Conversion Service is installed, the log and trace information appear in the SystemOut.log log file for the application server to which these components are mapped.

Message logging and trace information when Everyplace Mobile Portal components are installed with WebSphere Portal

The following table lists the most common log files when Everyplace Mobile Portal components are installed with WebSphere Portal.
Table 1. Common log files used with WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable
Log location Description
wp_root/log/ConfigTrace.log Contains installation messages and errors. See the Installing topics in this information center for details on when you should examine this log file.
wp_root/log/SystemOut.log Contains startup messages and system output messages
wp_root/log/SystemErr.log Contains errors from uncaught exceptions and system error messages
wp_root/log/wps_date_time.log Contains WebSphere® Portal Server, Multi-Channel Server, and Mobile Portal extension log messages and trace information. Also contains the Everyplace Mobile Portal build information. date_time is the date and time the file was created.
Message logging is always enabled. By default, tracing is disabled. To enable tracing, set properties in the wp_root/shared/app/config/ file or use the Enable Tracing portlet (WebSphere Portal Administration > Portal Analysis > Enable Tracing). If you use the portlet to enable tracing, the trace options are reset the next time you restart the WebSphere_Portal application server.
  • See the WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms Information Center for details on WebSphere Portal message logging and trace support.
  • See the Log Messages topic for details about specific Everyplace Mobile Portal log messages.

The following table lists the Everyplace Mobile Portal trace strings that can be specified in the wp_root/shared/app/config/ file or by using the Enable Tracing portlet (WebSphere Portal Administration > Portal Analysis > Enable Tracing).

If you are uncertain which components to enable tracing for, enable the top-level trace strings for both WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable extensions (*=all=enabled) and the Multi-Channel Server (com.volantis.*=all=enabled).

Table 2. WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable trace strings specified in
Component Description Trace String
WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable extensions Traces all WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable extension classes.*=all=enabled
Manage Mobile Pages Portlet Traces the Manage Mobile Pages portlet.*=all=enabled
Extended Properties Portlet Traces the Extended Properties portlet.*=all=enabled
Preload Notice Portlet Traces the Preload Notice portlet.*=all=enabled
Utility classes Traces common utility/helper classes.*=all=enabled
Metadata classes Traces classes associated with retrieving meta-data.*=all=enabled
Rules for metadata Traces classes used for rules resolution.*=all=enabled
Aggregator helper classes Traces helper classes used by the XDIME aggregator.*=all=enabled
XDIME tag library Trace all tags in the XDIME tag library.*=all=enabled
Preload notice datastore classes Traces the preload notice datastore classes.*=all=enabled
Multi-Channel Server Traces all Multi-Channel Server classes com.volantis.*=all=enabled
Multi-Channel Server Servlet Filter Traces XDIME markup created by the XDIME aggregator and XDIME portlets.


Virtual portal

Enables tracing for the Login portlet and vpMapper functionality. The Login portlet trace information includes WebSphere Portal Login portlet information. Trace information uses the CWMPA message ID prefix.*=all=enabled*=all=enabled

Note: Multi-Channel Server supports multiple types of log messages and requires additional steps in order to enable tracing.

Message logging and trace information when Multi-Channel Server is installed with a messaging Web application or when Image Conversion Service is installed

The following table lists the most common log files when Multi-Channel Server is installed with a messaging Web application or when Image Conversion Service is installed.
Table 3. Common log files used with a messaging Web application or Image Conversion Service
Log location Description
was_root/profiles/profile_name/logs/application-server-name/SystemOut.log where application-server-name is the name of the application server to which the messaging Web application or Image Conversion Service is mapped. Contains startup messages and system out messages.
was_root/logs/application-server-name/SystemErr.log where application-server-name is the name of the application server to which the messaging Web application or Image Conversion Service is mapped. Contains errors from uncaught exceptions and system error messages.

The trace and log messages for Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service are logged only to these files. This is true even if you enable diagnostic tracing to a trace file (for example, trace.log) from the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.

For more information on using the Administrative Console to enable diagnostic tracing, see the WebSphere Application Server information center.

Note: Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service support multiple types of log messages and require additional steps in order to enable tracing.

Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service message logging and tracing

Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service support the following message logging and trace levels:
Table 4. Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service logging and tracing levels
Message type Description
debug Enables tracing information and informational, warning, error, and fatal logging messages.
info Enables informational, warning, error, and fatal logging messages.
warn Enables warning, error, and fatal logging messages.
error Enables error and fatal logging messages.
fatal Enables severe error logging messages.
The message logging and trace levels are set on a per category basis. A category is defined for each top-level Java™ package supported by Multi-Channel Server and Image Conversion Service.

Error and fatal log messages are enabled by default and are logged to wp_root/log/wps*date_time.log files when Multi-Channel Server is installed with WebSphere Portal. When Multi-Channel Server is installed with a messaging Web application or when Image Conversion Service is installed, the error and fatal log messages will be logged to was_root/profiles/profile_name/logs/application-server-name/SystemOut.log where application-server-name is the name of the application server to which the messaging Web application or Image Conversion Service is mapped.

Enabling Multi-Channel Server message logging and tracing

For Multi-Channel Server (MCS), you can enable other logging levels and enable tracing tracing either by modifying the MCS logging configuration file or by using the MCS manager.

When MCS is installed with WebSphere Portal, the MCS logging configuration file is wp_root/mcs/mcs-jlog.xml. When MCS is installed with a messaging Web application, the logging configuration file is wp_root/mcs/mcs-log4j.xml.
Note: For more details about the MCS logging configuration files, see the topic Configuring Log Files in the Multi-Channel Server information center.

Follow these steps to change the message logging or trace levels in the MCS logging configuration file.
  1. Edit the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) logging configuration file.
  2. Change the priority value to one of the following message logging or trace levels for the com.volantis.charset, com.volantis.mcs, com.volantis.shared, com.volantis.synergetics, and com.volantis.xml categories:
    • debug
    • info
    • warn
    • error
    • fatal
  3. Optionally, specify an MCS trace string in the wp_root/shared/app/config/ file. You can do this if MCS is installed with WebSphere Portal and if you set a priority value to debug.

    Edit the file through the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console or by using a text editor. When editing the file, specify a trace string for the MCS component (for example, com.volantis.*=all=enabled).

  4. To log the device dependent markup (such as XHTML Mobile Profile) generated using MCS, set the debug logPageOutput attribute to true in mcs-config.xml. .
    • See the mcs-config topic in the Administering MCS section of the Multi-Channel Server information center for details on other Multi-Channel Server debug parameters.
    • To modify mcs-config.xml, follow the procedure documented in the topic Configuring Multi-Channel Server on WebSphere Portal and then skip the next step.
  5. Restart the application server on which MCS is running. For example, if MCS is installed with WebSphere Portal, restart the WebSphere_Portal application server using the following commands:
    • AIX Linux Solaris
    • was_root/bin/ WebSphere_Portal -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    • was_root/bin/ WebSphere_Portal
    • Windows
    • was_root\bin\stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    • was_root\bin\startServer WebSphere_Portal
  6. If MCS is installed with WebSphere Portal, if you set a priority value in mcs-jlog.xml to debug, and if you want to enter a temporary trace string using the WebSphere Portal Administration Enable Tracing portlet, perform these steps:
    1. Log in to WebSphere Portal as an administrator.
    2. Click Administration.
    3. In the left navigation, click Portal Analysis > Enable Tracing.
    4. Specify the trace string that includes the MCS Java package name, or Java class, that you want to trace (such as com.volantis.*=all=enabled).
    Note: If you are using Everyplace Mobile Portal in a clustered environment with WebSphere Portal, you must update mcs-jlog.xml and wp_root/shared/app/config/ Then restart the WebSphere_Portal application server on each node in the cluster on which you are changing the message logging or trace level.

Enabling Image Conversion Service Message Logging and Tracing

Change Image Conversion Service logging levels or tracing by modifying the Image Conversion Service logging configuration file, was_root/ics/config/ics-log4j.xml, as follows:
Note: There is also a was_root/ics/config/ics-jlog.xml file. You may ignore this file.
Follow these steps to change the message logging or trace levels in ics-log4j.xml.
  1. Edit was_root/ics/config/ics-log4j.xml.
  2. Change the priority value to one of the following message logging or trace levels for the com.volantis.ics, com.volantis.synergetics, and com.volantis.transcoder categories:
    • debug
    • info
    • warn
    • error
    • fatal
  3. Restart the application server using the following commands:
    • AIX Linux Solaris
    • was_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    • was_root/bin/ server_name
    • Windows
    • was_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    • was_root\bin\startServer server_name
    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server to which the Image Conversion Service enterprise application is mapped.
Note: If you are using Image Conversion Service in a clustered environment, you must update ics-log4j.xml and restart the application server on each node in the cluster on which you want to change the message logging or trace level.
Related information
Configuring Image Conversion Service
Troubleshooting the Mobile ICS Sample portlet
Diagnostic checks
Log messages
Configuring Multi-Channel Server on WebSphere Portal
Enabling and using the Multi-Channel Server manager function
Additional information available on the Web

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