Invoking AMATERSE from a problem program

To invoke AMATERSE from a program, specify the following information:
  • PACK, SPACK, or UNPACK on the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement
  • The DDNAMES of the data sets to be processed by the AMATERSE program, if the calling program is to override the DDNAMES.
Figure 1 shows how to invoke AMATERSE using alternate DDNAMES:
Figure 1. Example: AMATERSE JCL from a problem prgram
*        Invoke AMATERSE to perform SPACK processing
    *        Request SPACK option
    PARM     DS    0H            EXEC PARM= data
    PARMLEN  DC    Y(L'PARMTEXT) Length of data
    PARMTEXT DC    C'SPACK'      AMATERSE processing option
    *        Request MYPRINT, MYSYSUT1, and MYSYSUT2 instead
    *        of SYSPRINT, SYSUT1, and SYSUT2 respectively
    DDNAMES  DS    0H            DDNAME override data
    DDNAMEL  DC    Y(DDNAME9-DDNAMET)  Length of data
    DDNAMTT  DS    0C            DDNAME override list
             DC    5XL8'0'       Not used by AMATERSE
             DC    XL8'0'        Not used by AMATERSE
    SYSUT1   DC    CL8'MYSYSUT1' Instead of SYSUT1
    SYSUT2   DC    CL8'MYSYSUT2' Instead of SYSUT2
    SYSUT3   DC    CL8'MYSYSUT3' Instead of SYSUT3
    DDNAME9  DS    0C            End of list

For a description of the parameter list, see the topic on Invoking Utility Programs from an Application Program in z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities. From that information, AMATERSE supports the optionsaddr and ddnameaddr, but not hdingaddr. AMATERSE also supports DDNAMES SYSPRINT, SYSUT1, SYSUT2, and SYSUT3, but not DDNAMES SYSIN and SYSUT4, which are shown in the "ddname parameter list (DDNMELST)" in that information.