Accessing the output from a hardware event data collection run

For authorized programs using the HISSERV interface, output from a collection run is delivered in storage. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for details about the HISSERV interface. During a HIS Profiler run that requested counter-set data collection, the system writes the raw data to SMF record type 113, subtypes 1 and 2, at an interval defined by the CNTINTVAL parameter on the MODIFY hisproc,BEGIN command. The HIS Profiler may also write data to one or more of the following z/OS® UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) output files:
  • Delta counter data file, which is optional. The system writes the delta data to the z/OS UNIX .CNT output file at the end of the run. The delta data is the data from the time when the instrumentation run was initiated until the end of the run, showing the delta incremental values of the instrumentation run on the specified processor. You can request that the system not create the .CNT file by specifying the CNTFILE=NO parameter on the MODIFY hisproc,BEGIN command.
  • Load map file, which is optional. The system creates one .MAP file, if requested, at the end of the data collection run. This file contains the load module mapping information for the active system on which the data collection was done. The results will be more complete if the tracking of directed load modules is enabled with the SETPROG TRACKDIRLOAD command. See Tracking directed load modules.
  • Sample data files, which are optional. The system creates one .SMP sample file for each active logical processor in the system. Sample data contains the addresses of the instructions being executed and the state information about a specific logical processor. Sample data is written out continuously when the data collection buffers become full.
For each data collection run, the system may generate one or more z/OS UNIX output files in the HOME directory or the user-specified directory that follow the naming conventions:
The files generated by your data collection run will depend on the MODIFY hisproc parameters you specify when you start the run.
The year, month, and day when the MODIFY hisproc command was processed.
The hour, minute, and second when the MODIFY hisproc command was processed.
The sequence number of the collection run interval. This starts at 000 and is incremented by one for every state change detected during a collection run when the action specified for a detected state change is SAVE. For more information about collection run intervals, see the STATECHANGE parameter in Starting, configuring, and stopping HIS data collection.
CNT | MAP | SMP.cpu#
Identifies the file, as follows:
  • CNT identifies a counter set data file.
  • MAP identifies a load module mapping output file.
  • SMP.cpu# identifies a sampling function data file. cpu# is the CPU number, in hexadecimal. There is one .SMP file for each active CPU.
Example: The system creates the following z/OS UNIX files for a system with three CPUs at 11:30:16 on 2015/05/18:
SYSHIS20150518.113016.000.SMP.0000 (for CPU 0)
SYSHIS20150518.113016.000.SMP.0001 (for CPU 1)
SYSHIS20150518.113016.000.SMP.0002 (for CPU 2)
Table 1 shows when the HIS Profiler generates the .CNT, .MAP, and .SMP files, based on the parameters you specify on the MODIFY hisproc,BEGIN command:
Table 1. z/OS UNIX files generated by the HIS Profiler
.CNT file .MAP file .SMP file
By default, the HIS Profiler generates a .CNT file, unless you specify CNT=NO, CNTFILE=NO, or MAPONLY.
  1. The HIS Profiler generates only the .CNT file, and does not generate .SMP and .MAP output files, if you specify CNTONLY.
  2. The HIS Profiler will not generate the .CNT, .SMP, and .MAP output files if you specify CNTONLY,CNTFILE=NO.
The HIS Profiler generates a .MAP file if you use any of the following parameters on the MODIFY hisproc,BEGIN command:
  • MAPONLY The the HIS Profiler does not generate .SMP and .CNT output files if you specify MAPONLY.

A .MAP file is only generated during the last collection run interval of a collection run.

By default, the HIS Profiler generates a .SMP file unless you specify SMP=NO, CNTONLY, or MAPONLY.
To access the output generated by the HIS Profiler in your z/OS UNIX file system in your HOME directory or a user-specified directory, use the OBROWSE command on the file, or else use the OGET command to copy the files to MVS™ and access the output data there.
Note: When programmatically accessing the output generated by the HIS Profiler, the format of the file name may change.