Defining copy pools

Copy Pool Name specifies the name of the copy pool. The maximum length is 23 alphanumeric or national characters, or any combination. With one exception where the underscore character ('_') is also allowed in the combination. The first character can not be numeric or underscore.

DFSMShsm manages the use of volume-level fast replication functions, such as FlashCopy® and SnapShot. These functions provide point-in-time copy services that can quickly copy data from a source location to a target location. Using a copy pool, you can specify the pool storage groups that you want DFSMShsm to process collectively for fast replication.

Each pool storage group in a copy pool contains the name of the associated target copy pool backup storage group. A copy pool backup storage group is a type of SMS storage group that contains eligible target volumes that DFSMShsm can select for fast replication backup versions. Figure 1 shows this relationship.
Figure 1. Pool Storage Groups and Copy Pool Backup Storage Groups
Copy pool CP1 contains pool storage groups SG1, SG2 and SG3. The copy pool backup storage group for SG1 is BU$SG1. The copy pool backup storage group for SG2 and SG3 is BU$SG2.

After you define a copy pool and a copy pool backup storage group, you can use DFSMShsm commands to prepare, create, recover, and delete fast replication backup versions. See Defining storage groups to learn how to define a copy pool backup storage group.

This topic shows you how to define a copy pool.
Before you begin:
  1. For information about using DFSMShsm commands to perform fast replication functions, see z/OS DFSMShsm Storage Administration.
  2. For information about how DFSMSdss supports DFSMShsm fast replication functions, see z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administration.
  3. For information about FlashCopy and SnapShot, see z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services.

The following table shows the subtasks and associated procedures you perform in order to use DFSMShsm fast replication commands with copy pools.

Subtask Associated procedure (See . . . )
Creating copy pools
Creating copy pool backup storage groups Defining a copy pool backup storage group