Abstract for z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide

Purpose of this information

This document supports z/OS® (5650-ZOS) and contains information about Resource Access Control Facility (RACF®), which is part of z/OS Security Server.

This information is useful for diagnosing problems in RACF, such as:
  • Parameter list descriptions
  • Process flows
  • Control block overviews
  • SVC dump title descriptions
  • A description of variable recording area (VRA) keys provided by RACF
The information should also help you to:
  • Follow diagnostic procedures for each type of problem in RACF
  • Collect and analyze data needed to diagnose the problem
  • Develop a search argument to be used for searching problem-reporting databases
  • Gather the necessary problem data before reporting the problem to IBM®

In addition, this information describes how to use the BLKUPD command to correct problems in the RACF database.

Intended audience

This information is for anyone who diagnoses problems that appear to be caused by RACF and for RACF system programmers who intend to use the BLKUPD command to correct problems in the RACF database.

This information assumes that you:
  • Understand basic system concepts and the use of system services
  • Code in assembler language and read assembler and linkage editor output
  • Understand the commonly used diagnostic tasks and aids, such as message logs, system dumps, and the interactive problem control system (IPCS)
  • Understand the externals for RACF

How to use this information

Before using this information, collect this problem data:
  • The problem type, such as an abend
  • An indication that the problem was caused by RACF

If you do not have this data, see the problem determination and diagnosis publications for your system and perform the recommended procedures.

Use this information to diagnose problems in RACF only. If the problem is not caused by RACF, return to your system diagnosis guide to identify the failing component or program.

Use this information to diagnose problems in RACF as follows:
  1. Identify the problem type.
  2. Collect problem data.
  3. Analyze the problem data to develop symptoms.
  4. Develop search arguments, search problem-reporting databases, and request the problem fix if the problem has been reported before. If not, continue diagnosis.
  5. Collect additional problem data.
  6. Analyze the problem data to isolate the problem.
  7. Report the problem to IBM if assistance is needed or if the problem is new.

This flowchart illustrates the possible paths to be taken during problem analysis while using this information.

Where to find RACF information:

For general RACF information, see the RACF home page

For more detailed RACF information, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmer's Guide. For help in gathering information about your RACF installation, see your RACF security administrator and RACF auditor or see z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide and z/OS Security Server RACF Auditor's Guide.

For the syntax, return codes, and error reason codes for RACF macros, see z/OS Security Server RACF Macros and Interfaces except for the RACROUTE macro, which is described in z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference.

For the mappings of RACF control blocks (such as the RCVT and the ACEE), see z/OS Security Server RACF Data Areas in the z/OS Internet library.