RRSF considerations for mixed-case passwords

The following rules apply when RRSF nodes do not have the same mixed-case option of the SETROPTS PASSWORD command in effect:
  1. When passwords are propagated from a system with MIXEDCASE in effect to a system with NOMIXEDCASE in effect, the resulting passwords are translated to uppercase on the target system.
  2. When passwords are propagated from a system with NOMIXEDCASE in effect to a system with MIXEDCASE in effect, the results differ depending on the type of propagation:
    • With password synchronization or automatic password direction, when an application action such as TSO LOGON translates the new password that is entered by a user to uppercase before the application passes it to RACF®, the resulting password is in uppercase on both the propagating and target systems. However, if an application uses ICHEINTY to set a lowercase password on the system with NOMIXEDCASE in effect, the password is in lowercase on both systems.
    • With command direction or automatic command direction, commands are sent to the target systems as they were entered by the user. If a lowercase password is entered, it is translated to uppercase on the NOMIXEDCASE system but the command propagates with a lowercase password on the MIXEDCASE system.
You can administer your RRSF network from any system. However, instruct users to change their passwords from a system with MIXEDCASE in effect to more easily maintain their mixed-case passwords.

For more information, see Allowing mixed-case passwords (PASSWORD option) .