Abstract for Cryptographic Services System Secure Sockets Layer Programming

This information describes the System SSL product. This information consists of primarily two sets of APIs and a Certificate Management utility. The first set of APIs support the Secure Sockets Layer protocols (SSL V2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS V1.0, TLS V1.1, TLS V1.2, and TLS V1.3) which can be used by C/C++ applications to communicate securely across an open communications network. The other set of APIs (Certificate Management) provide the ability to use function other than the SSL protocols. These functions include the ability to create/manage key database files in a similar function to the SSL Certificate Management utility, use certificates stored in a key database file, SAF key ring, or z/OS PKCS #11 token for purposes other than SSL and basic PKCS #7 message support to provide application writers a mechanism to communicate with another application through the PKCS #7 standard.

This information also provides guidance on how to write a client and server secure sockets layer application. The client and server may both reside on z/OS systems or reside on different systems.

Who should read this information: This information is intended to assist system administrators in setting up the system to use System SSL support and for application programmers in writing System SSL applications.