HCM client: configurable login parameters

The only login parameter needed is the TCP/IP hostname of the MVS host running the HCM dispatcher. If no port is specified (port = 0), the client will use the pre-configured default port number 51107 to contact the HCM dispatcher.

During HCM login, the HCM client reads the HCM EEQHCM.INI file to access optional parameters for the login request (see also Purpose and location of the HCM INI file).

The following parameters can be defined for the sections [COMRDTS], [CBDQTDIS] and [CBDQAGNT]:
[COMRDTS] AGENTLOG=<path-of-client-logfile>
This activates the writing of an HCM client log to the specified path and filename. Directories specified in the path must already exist. The client log can be helpful in diagnosing HCM login problems.

Example: AGENTLOG=c:\hcm\client.log

This defines the number of seconds the HCM client waits for an answer from the HCM dispatcher after sending an HCM login request and before reporting a timeout error. The default is RTIMEOUT=90. On slow networks or when the priority of the dispatcher is low, this timeout value may have to be increased.
The HCM dispatcher starts a new HCM agent by writing the agent job to the JES internal reader. It then attempts to contact the new agent to verify successful startup. The ATIMEOUT parameter specifies the number of seconds the dispatcher will wait for the agent to start before reporting a failure to the waiting HCM client. The default is ATIMEOUT=60. If the JES input queue is slow in starting the submitted agent job, this value may have to be increased.
[CBDQAGNT] AJCLSKEL=<HCM agent skeleton JCL data set>
This overwrites the default JCL skeleton used by the HCM dispatcher to generate the HCM agent job. This can be used, for example, to start an HCM agent with an experimental version of the HCDPROF data set (instead of the default &SYSUID..HCD.PROFILE).

Fully qualified MVS data set names must be specified within two pairs of single quotation marks, for example: AJCLSKEL=''TEST.CBDQAGNT.JST''

[CBDQAGNT] AJCLASS=<job class of HCM agent>
This overwrites the default job class (0) of the generated HCM agent job. It can be used to save the job output of the HCM agent by specifying, for example, 'AJCLASS=A'.
[CBDQAGNT] AMCLASS=<agent job message class>
This defines the message class parameter in the JOB statement of the generated agent JCL. The default message class is "0". It may be necessary to specify a different job message class in order to obtain a job log for the HCM agent. Example: AMCLASS=H
This defines the number of seconds the HCM client waits for an answer from the HCM agent after sending a request and before reporting a timeout error. The default is RTIMEOUT=600. For long-running HCD requests, this timeout value may have to be increased.
When a new HCM agent is started, it is first contacted by the HCM dispatcher. After sending a ready notification to the dispatcher, the agent then waits to be contacted by the HCM client. If the agent is not contacted by the client after the specified timeout value (e.g., the HCM user accidentally hits power-off on the PC), the agent will terminate. The default is ATIMEOUT=60. On slow networks, this value may have to be increased.
[CBDQAGNT] AJCLACCT=<accounting information>
This defines the accounting information parameter in the JOB statement of the generated agent JCL. If the installation requires accounting information, it may be necessary to supply this parameter if the default accounting information supplied by the HCM dispatcher is invalid for the individual HCM user. Example: AJCLACCT=(DE03160,,)
[CBDQAGNT] AREGION=<agent job region size>
This defines the region parameter in the JOB statement of the generated agent JCL. The default region size is AREGION=128M.
[CBDQAGNT] ALOGDSN=<name of agent log data set>
This defines the name of a log data set written by the HCM agent. The default is that no log output is written. Log output may be helpful in diagnosing communication problems between the HCM client and the HCM agent.
Writes the agent log as CBDQAGNT.LOG under the user's HLQ
Writes the agent log as 'TEMP.CBDQAGNT.LOG' (fully qualified)
Writes the agent log to the job log output
[CBDQAGNT] HCDPROF=<DD specification of HCD profile data set>
This defines the DD specification of the HCD profile used by the HCM agent. The default is:
Specifying this parameter allows the use of an alternate HCD profile, e.g.,
[CBDQAGNT] HCDTRACE=<DD specification of HCD trace data set>
This defines the DD specification of the HCD trace data set used by the HCM agent. The default is:
Specifying this parameter allows the use of an alternate HCD trace data set, e.g.,
[CBDQAGNT] ASTEPLIB=<name of steplib data set>
This defines a data set name which is appended to the STEPLIB concatenation. Per default, there is no additional steplib data set.