pushd built-in command for tcsh: Make exchanges within directory stack


pushd [-p] [-l] [-n|-v] [name| +n]


pushd with options, exchanges the top two elements of the directory stack. If pushdtohome is set, pushd without arguments does pushd ~, like cd. With name, pushd pushes the current working directory onto the directory stack and changes to name. If name is '-', it is interpreted as the previous working directory (see File name substitution). If dunique is set, pushd removes any instances of name from the stack before pushing it onto the stack. With a number +n, pushd rotates the n'th element of the directory stack around to be the top element and changes to it. If dextract is set, however, pushd +n extracts the n'th directory, pushes it onto the top of the stack and changes to it. So, instead of just rotating the entire stack around, dextract lets the user have the n'th directory extracted from its current position, and pushes it onto the top. For example:
 > pushd /tmp
 /tmp ~
 > pushd /bin
 /bin /tmp ~
 > pushd /u
 /u /bin /tmp ~
 > pushd /usr
 /usr /u /bin /tmp ~
 > pushd +2
 /bin /tmp ~ /usr /u
 > set dextract
 > dirs
 /bin /tmp ~ /usr /u
 > pushd +2
 ~ /bin /tmp /usr /u

Finally, all forms of pushd print the final directory stack, just like dirs. The pushdsilent tcsh shell variable can be set to prevent this.


Output is expanded explicitly to home or the path name of the home directory for the user.
Entries are wrapped before they reach the edge of the screen.
Overrides pushdsilent.
Entries are printed one per line, preceded by their stack positions.

If more than one of -n or -v is given, -v takes precedence.

Related information

cd, tcsh