Imported and Exported Symbols Listing

The Imported and Exported Symbols Listing is part of the Module Summary Report, and is printed before other module summary information. This section will not appear if you do not specify the DYNAM(DLL) option, or if you are not importing or exporting any symbols.

This section follows the cross-reference table in the binder map. The listing shows the imported or exported symbols, and whether they name code or data. It also shows the DLL member name for imported symbols.

Descriptors are identified as such in the listing. One of the following generates an object module that exports symbols:
  • Code that is compiled with the C, C++, or COBOL EXPORTALL compiler option
  • C/C++ code that contains the #pragma export directive
  • C++ code that contains the _Export keyword
The listing format is shown below. All imported symbols appear first, followed by all exported symbols. Within each group, symbol names appear in alphabetical order. There are some differences between the two groups:
  • The member name or z/OS® UNIX System Services file name for IMPORT is derived from the IMPORT control statement.
  • The member name for exports is always the same as the DLL member name and does not appear in the listing.
  • Symbol and member names that are longer than 16 bytes are abbreviated in the listing, using a hyphen. If there are duplicates, they are abbreviated using a number sign and a number. The abbreviation table shows the mapping from the abbreviated names to the actual names. See Long Symbol Abbreviation Table.

In the example below, you can see that c2 and c3 are to be dynamically linked from a DLL named DLLC. Also, this program exports variables Ax and ALongNamedThingVVWhichIsExported, and functions A3 and ALongNamedThingFFWhichIsExported.

  ***  I M P O R T E D   A N D   E X P O R T E D   S Y M B O L S  ***

 IMPORT/EXPORT     TYPE    NAME                MEMBER
 -------------     ----    ----------------    ----------------
    IMPORT         CODE    c2                  DLLC
    IMPORT         CODE    c3()                DLLC

    EXPORT         DATA    Ax
    EXPORT         CODE    ALongName-ported
    EXPORT         DATA    ALongName#000001
    EXPORT         CODE    A3

                         *** END OF IMPORT/EXPORT ***