Using IKJUNFLD to describe unidentified keyword operands

Use the IKJUNFLD macro instruction to indicate that the parse service routine should do the following:
  • Accept an unidentified keyword operand that it encounters in the command buffer. An unidentified keyword operand is an operand that is not specifically defined in the parameter control list (PCL).
  • Pass control to an indicated verify exit routine to perform checking on the unidentified keyword operand.
  1. When unidentified keyword operands are present in the command buffer, the parse service routine uses only the first specification of the IKJUNFLD macro instruction. Similarly, when an unidentified keyword is present within a subfield, parse uses only the first specification of the IKJUNFLD macro instruction within a subfield specification.
  2. Parse processes unidentified operands within a subfield in the same way as keyword operands except that operands are not limited to alphanumeric characters. Unidentified operands in a subfield can be up to 31 characters in length and can contain any character other than a blank, comma, tab, or semicolon. Parse interprets left parentheses within a subfield to indicate the start of a sublist.
  3. The extended format of the IKJUNFLD macro instruction allows unidentified operands within a subfield to be up to 250 characters. If the subfield string is not in quotes, it can contain any character other than a blank, comma, tab, or semicolon. If the string is in quotes, parse recognizes any character, including a blank.

    Be aware that if you issue a command in ISPF or program control facility (PCF), the extended format of IKJUNFLD does not immediately receive control, the character used as the ISPF or PCF command delimiter still functions as a delimiter, and may cause a syntax error. The default command delimiter character for each is the semicolon (;) unless respecified by your installation.

Figure 1 shows the format of the IKJUNFLD macro instruction.

Figure 1. The IKJUNFLD macro instruction
IKJUNFLD     VERIFCK=symbolic-address

Supply the symbolic address of a verify exit routine that will check unidentified keyword operands. The parse service routine will pass control to this routine when it encounters an unidentified keyword operand. Using verify exit routines describes what you must do to provide a verify exit routine.
This option indicates that the unidentified keyword has other operands associated with it. Use the subfield-name as the label field of the IKJSUBF macro instruction that begins the description of the possible operands in the subfield. See Using IKJSUBF to describe a keyword subfield for a description of the IKJSUBF macro instruction.
This option specifies extended parsing. The extended format allows up to 250 characters in the subfield. It also recognizes quoted strings, which may contain blanks. If a quoted string is processed with extended parsing, the quotes are stripped and the PPEEXTQS flag is set in the parse parameter element (PPE).