Using IKJRLSA to release virtual storage allocated by parse

Use the IKJRLSA macro instruction to release virtual storage allocated by the parse service routine and not previously released by the parse service routine. This storage consists of the parameter descriptor list (PDL) returned by the parse service routine and any virtual storage obtained for new data received by parse as a result of a prompt.

If the return code from the parse service routine is non-zero, parse has freed all virtual storage that it has allocated. In this case, you do not need to issue this macro instruction, but it will not cause an error if you do issue it.

Figure 1 shows the format of the IKJRLSA macro instruction. Each of the operands is explained following the figure.

Figure 1. The IKJRLSA macro instruction
label     IKJRLSA     Address of the answer place
address of the answer place
The address of the word in which the parse service routine placed a pointer to the parameter descriptor list (PDL), when control was returned to the command processor. Your command processor can load this address into one of the general registers 1 through 12, and right adjust it with the unused high-order bits set to zero. See Passing control to the parse service routine for a description of the parse parameter list.