IKJEFTSI Parameter List

Use the IKJEFTSJ macro to map the parameter list for IKJEFTSI. This mapping macro is provided in SYS1.MACLIB. Use the TJDSECT=YES option to map the TJDSECTD DSECT, instead of obtaining storage.

TJDSECT=NO is the default.

Figure 1 describes the parameter list passed to the TSO/E service facility initialization routine (IKJEFTSI) pointed to by register 1.

Figure 1. Parameter List for IKJEFTSI
The parameters are:
Parameter 1
IKJEFTSI (also IKJEFTSR and IKJEFTST) needs to invoke TSO/E I/O services (STACK, PUTLINE, GETLINE, PUTGET). It needs to tell these underlying services which environment control table (ECT) to use. You have a choice at this point which ECT these services are to use.
The first parameter specifies the environment control table (ECT) to be used. It can be set to a fullword of either:
  • The address of the user's current environment control table (ECT)
  • A value of X'00000000', specifying that the original ECT, created when your TSO/E session was initialized, is to be used.

    The address of the original ECT is placed in this parameter on return to the caller.

  • A value of X'FFFFFFFF', specifying that a new ECT is to be created. This new ECT uses the original ECT (created when your TSO/E session was initialized) as a model.

    The address of the new ECT is placed in this parameter on return to the caller.

Note that it is important for you to pass this same ECT address in parameter 8 to IKJEFTSR so that it also uses the same ECT.
Parameter 2
The second parameter is a reserved fullword. Although this parameter is not used, it must contain X'00000000' on input.
Parameter 3
On input to IKJEFTSI this parameter must be set to four fullwords of X'00000000'.

On output from IKJEFTSI, this parameter consists of a token of four fullwords that identifies the TSO/E command/program invocation platform that is created by the initialization routine. The use of the token is an option with the calls to the TSO/E service facility routine (IKJEFTSR) and the TSO/E service facility termination routine (IKJEFTST).

Parameter 4
The fourth parameter is a fullword containing an error code if IKJEFTSI completes unsuccessfully. The error code is used with return codes of decimal 12 or 24 to give a more detailed diagnosis of the cause of the failure.
All following parameters are optional. Note that the high-order bit of the address of the last parameter used must be on to indicate the end of the parameter list.
Parameter 5
The fifth parameter is optional. It is a fullword containing the abend code returned from IKJEFTSI when terminated abnormally.
Parameter 6
The sixth parameter is optional. It is a fullword containing the reason code returned from IKJEFTSI when terminated abnormally.