SMFLSTAL - Sample ENF listener user exit routine

This ENF listener user exit routine processes all the qualifier values for the ENF event code.

By checking the qualifier value passed on the parmlist, this exit routine is able to determine which event occurred and process accordingly.

After checking the qualifier, this exit issues a message to the console to tell the operator which of the following SMF Accounting events occurred:
'SMF has completed initialization'
'SMF has terminated'

On entry to this listener user exit routine, register 1 points to the address of the input parmlist (mapped by the macro IFAENF37).

To initialize this exit routine you must do the following:
  • Perform Entry Linkage
    • Save input registers
  • Get Working Storage
  • Get the address of the input parm list and define DSECT mapping
* Get the input parameter structure and set DSECT basing
         L     E37@,0(R01)             Get Input Parm Structure
         USING ENF37,E37@              Set Parm Structure basing
After completing initialization, this exit routine determines which event occurred and processes accordingly.
  • If the qualifier indicates 'SMF has completed initialization' then issue a message to the console.
             CLC   ENF37QLF(4),ENF37Q00
             BNE   CHKQ01
             B     MODTERM
  • If the qualifier indicates 'SMF has terminated' then issue a message to the console.
    CHKQ01   EQU   *
             CLC   ENF37QLF(4),ENF37Q01
             BNE   CHKQ02
             B     MODTERM
    CHKQ02   EQU   *
To end cleanly, the exit routine must do the following:
  • Free Automatic Storage
  • Restore Input Registers
  • Perform Exit Linkage
  • Return to caller