The IEFQMREQ macro

IEFQMREQ reads the SWA information into a buffer that you provide, or writes information from your buffer into the SWA. By specifying a function code when you invoke the macro, you can request the following IEFQMREQ services. Use the symbolic function codes that are in the QMPA mapping macro:
  • Read — Reads the data area of a specified block into your buffer. IEFQMREQ reads 176 bytes of data from SWA into your buffer. If the requested data is less than 176 bytes in length, IEFQMREQ pads the data with zeroes so the amount read into your buffer is 176 bytes.
  • Write — Writes information from your buffer into the block that you specify. Only the data area is written, not the prefix area.

These are the only general-use programming interface function codes.