DLVRP return codes

VSAM returns a code in register 15 that indicates if the DLVRP request was successful. Table 1 describes these return codes.

Table 1. Return Codes in Register 15 Following DLVRP Request
Return Code Meaning
0(X'0') VSAM completed the request.
4(X'4') There is no resource pool to delete.
8(X'8') Insufficient virtual storage space to satisfy request. GETMAIN or ESTAE failed.
12(X'C') There is at least one open data set using the resource pool.
16(X'10') TYPE=GSR is specified, but the program that issued DLVRP is not in supervisor state with protection key 0 to 7.
20(X'14') Another BLDVRP or DLVRP on the same shared pool is in progress.