Component codes (RPLCMPON)

When a logical or physical error occurs, VSAM uses the RPL component code field to identify the component being processed when the error occurred. VSAM also indicates if the alternate index upgrade set is correct following the request that failed. The component code can be displayed and tested by using the SHOWCB and TESTCB macros. The codes and their meanings are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Component Codes Provided in the RPL
Component Code (RPLCMPON) What Was Being Processed Upgrade Set Status
0(X'0') Base cluster Correct
1(X'1') Base cluster May be incorrect
2(X'2') Alternate index Correct
3(X'3') Alternate index May be incorrect
4(X'4') Upgrade set Correct
5(X'5') Upgrade set May be incorrect

The component code (byte 3 of the RPL feedback word) and the reason code (byte 4 of the RPL feedback word) make up the two-byte RPL condition code.