BUILDRCD—List form

The list form of the BUILDRCD macro is used to construct a program parameter list. The description of the standard form of the BUILDRCD macro explains the function of each parameter. The format description below indicates the optional and required parameters in the list form only.

The list form of the BUILDRCD macro is:

area address—A-Type Address

number of buffers—symbol, decimal digit, or absexp

buffer length—symbol, decimal digit, or absexp

record area address—A-Type Address

record area length—symbol, decimal digit, or absexp
specifies that the BUILDRCD macro is used to create a parameter list that is referred to by an execute form instruction.
You can construct a parameter list by coding only MF=L (without the preceding comma). In this case, the list is constructed for the area address, number of buffers, buffer length, and record area address parameters. If the record area length is also required, code the parameters as follows:

    [label] BUILDRCD,,,,0,MF=L

The preceding example shows the coding to construct a list containing address constants with a value of 0 in each constant. The actual values can then be supplied by the execute form of the BUILDRCD macro.