Entering RACF TSO commands in the background

You can enter RACF® TSO commands in the background by submitting a batch job as follows:
  • Using the batch internal or remote reader facility of the job entry subsystem (JES)
  • Using the TSO SUBMIT command from a terminal

The RACF data you need to enter on your JCL depends on whether the job entry subsystem (JES) at your installation includes the JES RACF user identification feature. If your level of JES includes the RACF user identification propagation feature, any jobs you submit to the background while logged onto TSO are automatically identified to RACF with the same user identifier. When the job runs, RACF uses your default group as your current connect group. (User, password, and group information is not required on the JOB statement, but if you do specify this information, it overrides the propagated specifications.)

If your level of JES does not include the RACF user identification propagation feature, you must include the USER, PASSWORD, and, optionally, GROUP parameters on the JCL JOB statement.

The USER, PASSWORD, and GROUP parameters on the JCL JOB statement identify you to the system as a RACF user. To change your RACF password, you can use the new-password operand of the PASSWORD command. For information on how to code these parameters, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference.

As an alternative to coding PASSWORD on JCL statements, you can use the TSO SUBMIT command (for systems that do not have the JES RACF user identification propagation feature) to automatically include this information during job submission. To use SUBMIT, you should code the USER (userid) and PASSWORD operands on the SUBMIT command. These operands are then put on the JCL JOB statement that the command generates. When the job runs, RACF uses the name of the user's default group as the current connect group.