z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide
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Diagnostic log properties: rmmlog.properties

z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide

Customize the diagnostic log properties within rmmlog.properties:
Figure 1. The diagnostic log properties, rmmlog.properties
#					Logger configuration                                                              
#	Define root logger level and appender
log4j.rootLogger = INFO, R
#	Define appender as RollingFileAppender
#log4j.appender.R = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
log4j.appender.R = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.R.File = rmmcim.log
log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize = 500KB
log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex = 9
#	Define logging format 
#  (see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/api/org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout.html)
#	c	Category 
#		For example, for the category name "a.b.c" the pattern %c{2} will output "b.c"
#	C	Fully qualified class name of the caller
#		For example, for the class name "org.apache.xyz.SomeClass", the pattern %C{1} will output 
#     "SomeClass".
#		WARNING Generating the caller class information is slow.
#	d	Date of the logging event. 
#		The date conversion specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed between 
#     braces. 
#		For example, %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} or %d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}.
#		If no date format specifier is given then ISO8601 format is assumed. 
#	F	File name where the logging request was issued. 
#		WARNING Generating caller location information is extremely slow.
#	l	Location information of the caller which generated the logging event. 
#		Usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling method
#		followed by the callers source the file name and line number between parentheses. 
#		The location information can be very useful. However, its generation is extremely slow. 
#	L	Line number from where the logging request was issued. 
#		WARNING Generating caller location information is extremely slow.
#	m	Application supplied message associated with the logging event. 
#	M	Method name where the logging request was issued. 
#		WARNING Generating caller location information is extremely slow. 
#	n	Line separator character or characters.  
#	p	Priority of the logging event. 
#	r	Number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the application until the creation of the
#     logging event.
#	t	Name of the thread that generated the logging event. 
#	x	NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated with the thread that generated the logging event.
#	X	MDC (mapped diagnostic context) associated with the thread that generated the logging event.
#		The X conversion character must be followed by the key for the map placed between braces,
#		as in %X{clientNumber} where clientNumber is the key. 
#		The value in the MDC corresponding to the key will be output. 
#	%	The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign.  
#	format modifier examples:
#	%20c		Right justify and left pad with spaces if category is smaller than 20 characters.
#	%-20c		Left justify and right pad with spaces if category is smaller than 20 characters.
#	%.30c		Truncate from the beginning if the category name is longer than 30 characters. 
#	%20.30c  Left pad with spaces if the category name is shorter than 20 characters. 
#			   However, if category name is longer than 30 characters, then truncate from the beginning.
#	%-20.30c	Right pad with spaces if the category name is shorter than 20 characters.
#           However, if category name is longer than 30 characters, then truncate from the beginning.
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%-25F:%5L %-20M] %-5p - %m%n
The parameters in the rmmlog.properties file are:
Set the logger level to either:
Used for problem diagnosis, this setting results in a very detailed log report. This setting is not recommended for normal use.
Suggested for normal operation.
Suggested for normal operation.
Suggested for normal operation.
Note: Do not change "R". It is a reference to the logger object.
Appends all entries into a file. Do not change this setting, unless you want another behavior (for example, you want ConsoleAppender output to go to the screen instead of to a file).
Specifies the name of the log file.
Specifies the maximum file size. If this file size is exceeded, the suffix .1 is attached to the filename and logging starts with a new filename.
Specifies the number of times a file can exceed its MaxFileSize before the oldest backup file is discarded. For example, if this variable is set to 9, the file can have 9 backup files, but on the tenth time that this file exceeds its MaxFileSize, the oldest backup file is discarded.
Defines the format of each log entry. Although it is not suggested to change this, it can be adapted to other formats.
Defines the format of each log entry. Although it is not suggested to change this, it can be adapted to other formats.

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