z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide
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Excluding specific data sets from VRSEL processing as they are created or rewritten

z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide

You can use the EDG_EXIT100 installation exit to exclude specific data sets from DFSMSrmm VRSEL processing as they are created or rewritten. You can specify this for any data set, but DFSMSrmm ignores the request unless the data set is on a volume that is managed by the VRSEL retention method. The data set VRSELEXCLUDE attribute is set for all data sets on volumes managed by the EXPDT retention method and is not affected by this support.

When DFSMSrmm excludes a data set from VRSEL processing, it ensures that the data set vital record attribute is reset and the retention date is set to current date. The matching VRS information is left unchanged.

You can use the EDG_EXIT100 installation exit to set the VRSELEXCLUDE attribute for VRSEL managed data sets at OPEN time when you create a new tape data set or rewrite existing data sets.

  1. Update the sample EDGUX100 exit module based on your retention requirements:
    1. Copy the sample EDGUX100 exit module and use the copy as a base for your exit module.
    2. Update the exit module. Perform your processing only when the PL100_CAN_VRSELEXCLUDE bit is set to B'1'. b. Set the PL100_SET_VRSELEXCLUDE bit to B'1' for data sets. If you do not request VRSELEXCLUDE, the default for the retention method will be used. If the installation exit sets PL100_SET_VRSELEXCLUDE, any VRS management value set in PL100_VRS is ignored.
    3. Make any other changes required such as setting the retention method when creating the first file on the tape, or clearing the EXPDT.
    The sample EDGUX100 exit module includes an example of setting the VRSELEXCLUDE attribute. To use the sample EDGUX100 exit module for this function, modify the table as shown in Figure 1. The order in which the table entries are listed is important because the exit scans the table until it finds the first entry where the job name, data set name and program name masks match the current request. You can change the priority of matching by changing the order of the table entries.
    Figure 1. Sample VRSELEXCLUDE selection table
    VXTAB    DS    0F                  START OF VRSELEXCLUDE TABLE
             SPACE 1
             DC    CL8'*'              JOBNAME
             DC    CL44'RMMUSER.VX.*'  DATA SET NAME
             DC    CL8'*'              PROGRAM NAME
             SPACE 1
             DC    CL8'VX END'         END OF VX TABLE MARKER
    The VXTAB table contains:
    One-to-eight alphanumeric or national characters, including % and *.
    • The character % can be used to ignore a positional character in the job name.
    • The character * can be used to ignore all remaining characters in the job name. A jobname of * means that the entry applies to all jobs.
    data set name
    Can be up to forty-four characters, following z/OS data set naming conventions, including % and *.
    • The character % can be used to ignore a positional character in the data set name.
    • The character * can be used to ignore all remaining characters in the data set name. A data set name of * means that the entry applies to all data sets. The use of the character * is not the same as in the generic data set names supported by DFSMSrmm for vital records specifications and search data set masks. Here the * works like the characters *.* might in a generic data set name mask.
    program name
    A value up to eight alphanumeric characters, including % and *.
    • The character % can be used to ignore a positional character in the program name.
    • The character * can be used to ignore all remaining characters in the program name. A program name of * means that the entry applies to all programs.
  2. Activate the sample EDGUX100 exit module. See Installing the EDGUX100 default exit routine for information about building an SMP/E USERMOD to apply the updated source code for EDGUX100 so that it supersedes any old EDGUX100 USERMODs. Include the necessary JCLIN statements as shown in Figure 1.
  3. When you write new tape data sets, DFSMSrmm calls your new installation exit module and saves the VRSELEXCLUDE attribute into the data set. Use LISTDATASET to verify that the correct information is recorded. Run inventory management to verify that the data sets are excluded from VRSEL.

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