z/OS DFSMSrmm Application Programming Interface
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Interpreting date format and time format

z/OS DFSMSrmm Application Programming Interface

DFSMSrmm dates are in packed decimal format: yyyydddC, where yyyyddd is a Julian date and C is a standard packed-decimal sign character. The date formats used are returned in internal format and can be interpreted as follows:
  • Interpret 9999366 as PERMANENT retention date format.
  • Interpret 9999365 as PERMANENT retention date format.
  • Interpret 9800000 as WHILECATLG retention date format.
  • Interpret 98ccccc as CYCL/ccccc retention date format.
  • Interpret 0000098 as CATRETPD retention date format.
  • Interpret yyyyddd as yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/dd/mm, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, dd/yyyy/mm, mm/yyyy/dd.

DFSMSrmm also returns time in packed decimal format: hhmmsstC, where hhmmsst is the time in hours, minutes, seconds, and tenths of seconds and C is a standard packed-decimal sign character.

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