z/OS DFSMS DFM Guide and Reference
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z/OS DFSMS DFM Guide and Reference

System SAMPLIB member DFMXSORT, for example, SYS1.SAMPLIB(DFMXSORT) shown in Figure 1, shows how a DFM DataAgent can be written in assembler language to invoke SORT.

Figure 1. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 1 of 7
          TITLE 'DFMXSORT - DFM DataAgent Sort Sample'
*/*PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                          *
*/*LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                              *
*/*5695-DF1                                                          *
*/*(C) COPYRIGHT 1997  IBM CORP.                                     *
*/*END PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                      *
*/*                                                                  *
*/* $MOD(DFMXSORT) COMP(5695-DF120)                                  *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  MODULE NAME: DFMXSORT                                           *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  DESCRIPTION: DFM DataAgent Sample Routine (SORT)                *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  STATUS: Version 1 Release 4.0 (DFSMS)                           *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  COPYRIGHT: See copyright statement on previous page             *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  FUNCTION: This module illustrates how a DFM DataAgent can       *
*/*    be written in assembler language to invoke SORT.   It is      *
*/*    implemented with a basic function that assumes the input      *
*/*    filename matches the SORTIN DD statement.  It changes the     *
*/*    filename from SORTIN to SORTOUT so that any retrieval through *
*/*    DFM will retrieve the sorted data rather than the original.   *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    Code commentary is provided to show how the                   *
*/*    function could be extended to use the input filename for      *
*/*    dynamic allocation and to derive an output filename.  The     *
*/*    commentary also discusses how this DataAgent could request    *
*/*    that it be called again at file close time to access and      *
*/*    possibly write the output file's data to the original file.   *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  PROCESSING:                                                     *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    LOGIC:                                                        *
*/*      Refer to block comments in the code.                        *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    ERROR PROCESSING:                                             *
*/*      Issue a WTO and then return with register 15 set to a       *
*/*      non-zero value and with the reason code set to a unique     *
*/*      value.  SORT error messages will be in the JOBLOG.          *
*/*                                                                  *
Figure 2. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 2 of 7
*/*  NOTES:                                                          *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    PATCH SPACE: None                                             *
*/*    DEPENDENCIES: None                                            *
*/*    RESTRICTIONS: None                                            *
*/*    REGISTER CONVENTIONS: Standard                                *
*/*    SERIALIZATION: No serialization techniques are used by this   *
*/*      module.                                                     *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  MODULE TYPE: Procedure                                          *
*/*    PROCESSOR: z/OS Assembler                                   *
*/*    ATTRIBUTES:                                                   *
*/*      TYPE:            Not reentrant                              *
*/*      PRIMARY ASID:    Caller's ASID                              *
*/*      SECONDARY ASID:  Same as primary                            *
*/*      HOME ASID:       Same as primary                            *
*/*      MODE:            Task                                       *
*/*      KEY:             8                                          *
*/*      STATE:           Problem program, non-APF-authorized        *
*/*      LOCATION:        Link library                               *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  ENTRY POINT: DFMXSORT                                           *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    PURPOSE: Show that a DataAgent routine can invoke SORT.       *
*/*    LINKAGE: Called by Distributed FileManager.                   *
*/*    INPUT: Refer to the DFM Guide and Reference for a general     *
*/*       description of the parameter list format.                  *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  MESSAGES: Refer to WTO statements.                              *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  EXIT NORMAL:                                                    *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    RETURN CODE: Register 15 = 0                                  *
*/*      REASON CODE: Not applicable                                 *
*/*       MESSAGE ID: None:                                          *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  EXIT ERRORS:                                                    *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*    RETURN CODE: Register 15 = 8                                  *
*/*      REASON CODE: Unique values set in the extended parameter    *
*/*         list                                                     *
*/*       MESSAGE ID: See WTO statements.                            *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  EXTERNAL REFERENCES: None                                       *
*/*                                                                  *
*/*  CHANGE ACTIVITY:                                                *
*/* $L0=DFSMS14,HDZ11D0,960628,SJPLMMR: DFM DataAgent initial code   *
Figure 3. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 3 of 7
*   This program is used as a DataAgent routine to get control        *
*   when a workstation's SdU application opens a remote MVS file      *
*   with a filename suffix specifying "agent(dfmxsort)".  The file is *
*   assumed to be in the format of the sample file created earlier.   *
*   The input file is sorted and the filename is then changed to the  *
*   filename of the sort output file.  This results in the SdU        *
*   application's retrieving a sorted subset of the records as if     *
*   they came from the original file.                                 *
*                                                                     *
*   An alternative invocation method is provided by SdU through       *
*   the DFMACALL sample application.  Refer to it for details.        *
*                                                                     *
*   The reason code can be set to -1 to force entry at the file's     *
*   delete declaration time when adding extended function.            *
R0       EQU   0
R1       EQU   1
R2       EQU   2
R3       EQU   3
R4       EQU   4
R5       EQU   5
R6       EQU   6
R7       EQU   7
R8       EQU   8
R9       EQU   9
R10      EQU   10
RTN      EQU   10
R11      EQU   11
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15
         SAVE  (14,12)       SAVE REGISTERS
         BALR  12,0          BRANCH AND LINK REG.
         USING *,12          USE REG 12
         ST    14,8(13)
         LR    13,14         SET OUR SAVE AREA
*      Determine whether we are defining or deleting the file      *
*      declaration (i.e. previous to OPEN or after CLOSE).         *
         LR    R3,R1         Save original parameter pointers
         SR    R15,R15       Clear error code
         USING INPARMS,R3    Address of MVS parameter list
         L     R4,EXTPARMP   Point to DFM DataAgent parameters
         USING EXTPARMS,R4   Base of DFM DataAgent parameters
         CLC   EXTOBJCP,FILNAM  Is file being processed?
         BNE   EXIT          No, exit
Figure 4. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 4 of 7
*      Called for a file–see whether declaration or delete        *
*      declaration.                                                *
         CLC   EXTCMDCP,DCLFIL  Is file being declared?
         BE    DODCLFIL      Yes, process DCLFIL.
         CLC   EXTCMDCP,DELDCL  Is file declaration being deleted?
         BE    DODELDCL      Yes, process DELDCL.
*      Unknown command type                                        *
         WTO   'DFMXSORT: Unknown command code.'
         LA    R15,12
         B     EXIT
*      DCLFIL Processing                                           *
* Enhanced function:                                               *
*    Set sort input filename from input filename.                  *
*    Set sort output filename to input filename.                   *
*    If output filename is greater than 40 characters then do.     *
*      Locate last component of filename.                          *
*      If last component of filename is < 4 then                   *
*        Locate last 2 components of filename.                     *
*      If last component(s) are equal to ".SRT" then               *
*        Replace last component(s) with ".SR2".                    *
*      Else                                                        *
*        Replace last component(s) with ".SRT".                    *
*    end.                                                          *
*    Else                                                          *
*      Append ".SRT" to output filename.                           *
*    Allocate sort input as DISP=SHR.                              *
*    Allocate sort output as DISP=(NEW,CATLG).                     *
*      Invoke DFSORT with 31-bit parameter list                    *
         LR    R1,R3               Fetch address of std parm list
         MVC   EXTPARMP,=F'-1'     End of list
         LINK  EP=SORT             Invoke DFSORT
         LTR   R15,R15             Check for SORT failure
         BNZ   SORTERR             Branch if error
* Enhanced function:                                               *
*    Set modified filename generated for output file allocation.   *
*    Set reason code to -1 to force recall for DELDCL.             *
Figure 5. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 5 of 7
*    Return modified filename and filename length to DFM.          *
         LH    R2,EXTOFNLN         Get original (input) name length
         CH    R2,MAXIFNLN         Ensure maximum is not exceeded
         BH    OFNISOK             Branch–file name is left alone
         CH    R2,MINIFNLN         Ensure minimum is met
         BL    OFNISOK             Branch–file name is left alone
         LA    R1,EXTOFN           Point to beginning of orig fn
         AR    R1,R2               Point to end
         LH    R15,MINIFNLN        Get length of trigger in name
         SR    R1,R15              Backup to where trigger appears
         BCTR  R15,0               Decrement for execute
         EX    R15,COMPNAME        Compare last part of name
         BNE   OFNISOK             Branch–no trigger at name end
*    Original file name meets qualifications–modify file name.
         LA    R3,EXTMFN           Set pointer to modified file name.
         LR    R1,R2               Set length of filename.
         SH    R1,MINIFNLN         Backup to trigger (=root end)
         BCTR  R1,0                Decrement for execute
         EX    R1,MOVENAME         Move input name beginning to output
         LA    R1,1(R1)            Restore length
         AR    R3,R1               Point to end of root
         LH    R15,MODIFLEN        Get length of modifier
         BCTR  R15,0               Decrement for execute
         EX    R15,CHANGENM        Change name to root + modifier
         SH    R2,MINIFNLN         Decrement trigger length
         AH    R2,MODIFLEN         Add modifier length
         STH   R2,EXTMFNLN         Set output name length
OFNISOK  EQU   *                   Here if changed/no change to do
         SR    R15,R15             Exit with no error
         B     EXIT                Exit DataAgent DCLFIL routine
COMPNAME CLC   0(0,R1),TRIGGER     Compare name to trigger string
MOVENAME MVC   EXTMFN(0),EXTOFN    Move original name to modified name
CHANGENM MVC   0(0,R3),MODIFIER    Move modifier string to end of name
*      SORT error occurred–refer to JOBLOG for details.           *
         LR    R2,R15              Save SORT code
         ST    R0,EXTRSNC2         Save SORT reason code
         WTO   'DFMXSORT: SORT failure.'
         LR    R15,R2              Exit with error
         B     EXIT                Exit DataAgent routine
Figure 6. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 6 of 7
*      DELDCL Processing                                           *
* Enhanced function:                                               *
*   Copy the changes to the permanent file.                        *
         SR    R15,R15             Exit with no error
         B     EXIT                Exit with return code from Sort
*      Exit                                                        *
EXIT     EQU   *
         L     13,4(,13)     GET RETURN ADDRESS
SAVEAREA DC    18F'00'
*    Define input parameters.                                      *
*    In this case, the standard format MVS parameter list should be*
*    a halfword length field followed by a DFSORT extended         *
*    parameter list.  For example, Sort by ascending characters in *
*    columns 17-22 is:                                             *
*         SORT FIELDS=(17,6,CH,A)                                  *
*    Constants for use with the DFM DataAgent extended parameters. *
DCLFIL   DC    X'102C'       Declare file command code point
DELDCL   DC    X'102D'       Delete declare file command code point
DRCNAM   DC    X'1165'       Directory is being declared
FILNAM   DC    X'110E'       File is being declared
*    Local Constants                                               *
MAXIFNLN DC    H'53'         Maximum allowing for trigger->modifier
MINIFNLN DC    H'6'          Minimum orig name len (= len of trigger)
TRIGGER  DC    CL6'SORTIN'   Trigger in input filename
MODIFLEN DC    H'7'          Length of modifier
MODIFIER DC    CL7'SORTOUT'  Modifier for output filename
Figure 7. DFM DataAgent Sort Sample Part 7 of 7
*    Parameter list pointers.                                      *
STDPARMP DS    A(0)          Ptr to standard format MVS parameter list
EXTPARMP DS    A(0)          Ptr to extended DFM parameter list
*    Standard MVS parameter list for SORT usage.                   *
STDPARML DS    H             Length of parameters
STDPARMC DS    CL256         Standard parameter string
*    Extended parameter list unique to DFM.                        *
EXTPARML DS    H             Length of parameters
         DS    H             Reserved
EXTCMDCP DS    H             Command code point
EXTOBJCP DS    H             Object code point
EXTOFNLN DS    H             Original filename length
EXTOFN   DS    CL54          Original filename
EXTMFNLN DS    H             Modified filename length
EXTMFN   DS    CL54          Modified filename
EXTRSNC1 DS    F             Reason code 1
EXTRSNC2 DS    F             Reason code 2
         END   DFMXSORT

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