Steps for configuring static VIPAs for a z/OS TCP/IP stack

A virtual IP address (VIPA) is an internet address on a z/OS® host that is not associated with a physical adapter. A VIPA removes the adapter as a single point of failure by providing an IP address that is associated with a stack without associating it with a specific physical network attachment.


Perform the following steps to configure a static VIPA address in one stack:

  1. When configuring static VIPAs for the IPv4 network, add an INTERFACE statement of type VIRTUAL for each static VIPA to be defined. Alternatively, add DEVICE, LINK, HOME, and optionally BSDROUTINGPARMS statements for each static VIPA to be defined. When configuring static VIPAs for the IPv6 network, add INTERFACE statements of type VIRTUAL6 for each static VIPA to be defined.
    1. A VIPA link or VIPA interface cannot be coded on a static route in the GATEWAY or BEGINROUTES statements.
    2. If you want to add a static VIPA in an IPv4 network with an address that already exists in the HOME list, you must first delete the existing address using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command with the existing address omitted from the HOME list. Then use the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command with a new and complete HOME list.
  2. For IPv4 networks, if tolerance of device and adapter failures is wanted for connection requests that originate at a z/OS TCP/IP stack, specify the SOURCEVIPA option on the IPCONFIG statement.
    • For the SOURCEVIPA option to work properly, the receiving nodes in the network must be configured to recognize the SOURCEVIPA addresses using the static or dynamic routing protocols. Otherwise, timeouts for the connection or request responses will occur as a result of the VIPA addresses being network unreachable.
    • If TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA is specified on the IPCONFIG statement, it overrides SOURCEVIPA for outbound IPv4 TCP connections. If the SRCIP profile statement block is defined to establish one or more job-specific or destination-specific source IPv4 addresses, these IP addresses override TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA or the VIPAs in the HOME list for IPCONFIG SOURCEVIPA, or both, for the specified job names and destinations. For information about the hierarchy of various ways that the source IP address of an outbound connection is determined, see Source IP address selection.

    For more information on configuring IPv4 SOURCEVIPA or TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA addresses on the IPCONFIG statement, or SRCIP addresses in the SRCIP statement block, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

  3. For IPv6 networks, if tolerance of device and adapter failures is wanted for connection requests that originate at a z/OS TCP/IP stack, specify the following option or keyword:
    • The SOURCEVIPA option on the IPCONFIG6 statement.
    • The SOURCEVIPAINT keyword with a VIPA interface name on the INTERFACE statements of the real (physical) interfaces, or on the DYNAMICXCF specification on the IPCONFIG6 statement.
    • For the SOURCEVIPA option to work properly, the receiving nodes in the network must be configured to recognize the SOURCEVIPAINT addresses using the static or dynamic routing protocols. Otherwise, timeouts for the connection or request responses will occur as a result of the VIPA addresses being network unreachable.
    • If the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameter is specified on the IPCONFIG6 statement, it overrides the SOURCEVIPA value for outbound IPv6 TCP connections. If the SRCIP profile statement block is defined to establish one or more job-specific or destination-specific source IPv6 addresses, these IP addresses override the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA value, the SOURCEVIPAINT value, or both, for the specified job names and destinations. For information about the hierarchy of various ways that the source IP address of an outbound connection is determined, see Source IP address selection.

    For more information on configuring IPv6 SOURCEVIPA or TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA addresses on the IPCONFIG6 statement, or SRCIP addresses in the SRCIP statement block, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

  4. For host name resolution of a VIPA address, configure the domain name servers to associate the host name with the VIPA.
  5. Configure the routing daemon to advertise the presence of the VIPA. As described in prior steps, remember that the VIPA to be advertised can be determined by the SOURCEVIPA or TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameters on the IPCONFIG and IPCONFIG6 statements, or by the SRCIP statement. For more information, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.


Figure 1 illustrates a simple configuration showing multiple network attachments using a single static VIPA address. Because any other network interface can be used with static VIPA's, see Setting up physical characteristics in PROFILE.TCPIP for descriptions of other network interfaces. The simple configuration will be used as the TCPCS6 system throughout this information.

Figure 1. Static VIPA configuration
Example of configuring a static VIPA