SMTP rules syntax conventions

Use the following syntax convention when writing SMTP rules:
In addition to the rules themselves, there is the capability for some simple logic to decide at system configuration time which rules within the data set should become active. These conditions are specified in the form of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement, as shown in the following example:
   IF cond THEN
      statement list
      statement list
A statement list can consist of any number of rules or nested IF statements, or both. Each IF statement, regardless of whether it is nested, must be ended by an ENDIF keyword. As with IF statements in other programming languages, the ELSE clause is optional.

There are only two conditions recognized by an IF statement:

  1. IF predefined keyword = 'character string' THEN ... ENDIF
  2. IF predefined keyword CONTAINS 'character string' THEN ... ENDIF

The conditional operators = and CONTAINS can be prefixed by the word NOT to invert the conditions.

The predefined keyword must be a keyword that resolves to a single value at system configuration time. The character string in the first condition can be null. A character string cannot span more than one line.

The following example shows the use of IF statements.
IF NJEDomain = '' THEN
   A '@' AnyNJEHostName => A '%' AnyNJEHostName '@' TCPHostName;
   A '@' NJEHostName '.' NJEDomain    => A '@' TCPHostName;
   A '@' NJEHostName '.' AltNJEDomain => A '@' TCPHostName;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName                   =>
         A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain    =>
         A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' AltNJEDomain =>
         A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName                   =>
         A '%' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain '@' TCPHostName;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain    =>
         A '%' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain '@' TCPHostName;
      A '@' AnyNJEHostName '.' AltNJEDomain =>
         A '%' AnyNJEHostName '.' NJEDomain '@' TCPHostName;