z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide
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PKA Key Management

z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide

You can also generate PKA keys in several ways.

  • Using the ICSF PKA key generate callable service.
  • Using the Transaction Security System PKA key generate verb, or a comparable product from another vendor.

With a PCI X Cryptographic Coprocessor, Crypto Express2 Coprocessor, or Crypto Express3 Coprocessor, you can use the ICSF PKA key generate callable service to generate internal and external PKA tokens. You can also generate RSA keys on another system. To input a clear RSA key to ICSF, create the token with the PKA key token build callable service and import it using the PKA key import callable service. To input an encrypted RSA key, generate the key on the Transaction Security System and import it using the PKA key import callable service.

In either case, use the PKA key token build callable service to create a skeleton key token as input (see PKA Key Token Build (CSNDPKB and CSNFPKB)).

You can generate DSS keys on another system or on ICSF. You need to supply DSS network quantities to the PKA key generate callable service. If you generate DSS keys on another system, you can import them the same way as RSA keys. If you generate a DSS key on ICSF, you can never export it. You can use it on another ICSF host only if the same PKA master keys are installed on both systems.

The PKA key import callable service uses the clear token from the PKA key token build service or a clear or encrypted token from the Transaction Security System to securely import the key token into operational form for ICSF to use. ICSF does not permit the export of the imported PKA key.

The PKA public key extract callable service builds a public key token from a private key token.

Application RSA, DSS, and ECC public and private keys can be stored in the public key data set (PKDS), a VSAM data set.

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