z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide
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z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide

Direction: OutputType: Integer

The return code specifies the general result of the callable service. Appendix A. ICSF and TSS Return and Reason Codes lists the return codes.

Direction: OutputType: Integer

The reason code specifies the result of the callable service that is returned to the application program. Each return code has different reason codes assigned to it that indicates specific processing problems. Appendix A. ICSF and TSS Return and Reason Codes lists the reason codes.

Direction: Input/OutputType: Integer

The length of the data that is passed to the installation exit. The length can be from X'00000000' to X'7FFFFFFF' (2 gigabytes). The data is identified in the exit_data parameter.

Direction: Input/OutputType: String

The data that is passed to the installation exit.

Direction: InputType: Integer

The number of keywords you are supplying in the rule_array parameter. The valid values are 0, 1, or 2.

Direction: InputType: Character String

Keywords that provide control information to the callable service. The processing method is the algorithm used to create the generated key. The keywords are left justified and padded on the right with blanks.

Table 208. Rule Array Keywords for Secure Messaging for PINs
Enciphering mode (optional)
TDES-CBCUse CBC mode to encipher the message (default).
TDES-ECBUse EBC mode to encipher the message.
PIN encryption (optional)
CLEARPINRecovered clear input PIN block (may be reformatted) is placed in the clear in the message for encryption with the secure message key (default).
SELFENCRecovered clear input PIN block (may be reformatted) is self-encrypted and then placed in the message for encryption with the secure message key.
Direction: InputType: String

The 8-byte input PIN block that is to be recovered in the clear and perhaps reformatted, and then placed in the clear_text to be encrypted.

Direction: Input/OutputType: String

The internal token or key label of the internal token of the PIN encrypting key used in encrypting the input_PIN_block. The key must be an IPINENC key.

Direction: InputType: Character String

The three 8-byte character elements that contain information necessary to extract the PIN from a formatted PIN block. The valid input PIN formats are ISO-0, ISO-1, ISO-2 and ISO-3. See The PIN Profile for additional information.

Direction: InputType: Character String

The 12 digit personal account number (PAN) if the input PIN format is ISO-0 only. Otherwise, the parameter is ignored.

Direction: Input/OutputType: String

The internal token or key label of an internal token of a secure message key for encrypting PINs. This key is used to encrypt the updated clear_text.

Direction: InputType: String

The three 8-byte character elements that contain information necessary to create a formatted PIN block. If reformatting is not required, the input_PIN_profile and the output_PIN_profile must specify the same PIN block format. Output PIN block formats supported are ISO-0, ISO-1, ISO-2 and ISO-3.

Direction: InputType: String

The 12 digit personal account number (PAN) if the output PIN format is ISO-0 only. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.

Direction: InputType: Integer

The length of the clear_text parameter that follows. Length must be a multiple of eight. Maximum length is 4K.

Direction: InputType: String

Clear text that contains the recovered and/or reformatted/encrypted PIN at offset specified and then encrypted. Any padding or formatting of the message must be done by the caller on input.

Direction: InputType: String

The 8-byte supplied string for the TDES-CBC mode of encryption. The initialization_vector is XORed with the first 8 bytes of clear_text prior to encryption. This field is ignored for TDES-ECB mode.

Direction: InputType: Integer

The offset within the clear_text parameter where the reformatted PIN block is to be placed. The first byte of the clear_text field is offset 0.

Direction: InputType: Integer

The length of the field within clear_text parameter at PIN_offset where the recovered clear input_PIN_block value is to be placed. The PIN block may be self-encrypted if requested by the rule array. Length must be eight. The PIN block must fit entirely within the clear_text.

Direction: OutputType: String

The field where the enciphered text is returned. The length of this field must be at least as long as the clear_text field.

Direction: OutputType: String

This field contains the last 8 bytes of enciphered text and is used as the initialization_vector for the next encryption call if data needs to be chained for TDES-CBC mode. No data is returned for TDES-ECB.

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