FASTREPLICATION: Specifying fast replication methods


FASTREPLICATION is an optional parameter that specifies which copy method to use for data set level recovery and other fast replication options.

The following parameters are optional parameters of the FASTREPLICATION parameter:
Fast replication should be used for data set level recovery.
Fast replication is not used. Only traditional copy methods are to be used. This is the default.
Fast replication should be used as the copy method for data-set-level recovery whenever possible. For situations in which fast replication cannot be used to recover a data set, recovery is done through traditional copy methods.
Fast replication must always be used. If fast replication cannot be used, the recovery request fails.
Specifies whether an extent-level or a full-volume-level FlashCopy® relationship is to be established for fast replication backup and recovery of volumes.
Extent-level FlashCopy relationships are established during backup and recovery. Free space is not flashed. This is the default.
Full-volume FlashCopy relationships are established during volume backup and recovery. The entire volume including free space is copied. Therefore, the background copy might take longer to complete.
Controlling FlashCopy volume pairing debug message ARC1809I.
FlashCopy volume pairing debug message ARC1809I is enabled.
FlashCopy volume pairing debug message ARC1809I is disabled.

SMS relationship

Parameter has the same meaning when applied to SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed DASD volumes or data sets.

SETSYS default

If you specify:
  • DATASETRECOVERY without a parameter, then the SETSYS default is to use traditional copy methods. Fast replication is not used (NONE).
  • FCRELATION without a parameter, then the SETSYS default is to establish extent-level FlashCopy relationships (EXTENT).

DFSMShsm default

If you do not specify:
  • DATASETRECOVERY on a SETSYS command or FASTREPLICATION on a FRRECOV DSNAME, the default is to use traditional copy methods. Fast replication is not used (NONE).
  • FCRELATION on the SETSYS command, the default is to establish extent-level FlashCopy relationships (EXTENT).
  • VOLUMEPAIRMESSAGES on the SETSYS command, the default is to disable ARC1809I messages (NO).
Usage notes:
  1. The FASTREPLICATION value specified on the FRRECOV DSNAME command overrides the SETSYS value.
  2. The SETSYS FASTREPLICATION command is applicable for recovery from DASD only. If the recovery is from tape, the DATASETRECOVERY parameter is ignored.
  3. DATASETRECOVERY(NONE) cannot be used in combination with FlashCopy targets that are Metro Mirror primary volumes. That is, when the ALLOWPPRCP parameter is specified with: YES, PRESERVEMIRRORNO, PRESERVEMIRRORPREFERRED, or PRESERVEMIRRORREQUIRED.
  4. Data set recovery from DASD is not permitted if NOCOPY is used to create the backup copy. The recovery cannot be performed until a dump copy has been created.
  5. The combination of the FROMDASD and FASTREPLICATION(DATASETRECOVERY(REQUIRED)) restricts data set recovery to being performed only when fast replication can be used.
  6. Specifying FCRELATION does not affect data set recovery.
  7. Specifying FCRELATION(EXTENT) to establish extent-level FlashCopy relationships is ignored during FRBACKUP and FRRECOV operations when the copy pool is defined to use a function that requires full-volume FlashCopy (such as fast reverse restore or incremental).