Examples of selection data sets

At the example site, two selection data sets are allocated: PAY1SDS1 and PAY1SDS2.

PAY1SDS1 contains the following lines:

PAY1SDS1 causes aggregate backup to back up all data sets whose names begin with PAY1, excluding any data sets with the middle qualifier PY%%3. Use of the % character has been explained in a previous topic.

PAY1SDS2 contains the following lines:
               INC(PAY2.PY002.SOCSEC -
                   PAY2.PY002.STATUS.G0002V00 -

PAY1SDS2 causes aggregate backup to back up all data sets listed. In addition, PAY2.PY001.TAXES is processed as an ACCOMPANY data set and PAY2.PY001.BENEFIT is processed as an ALLOCATE data set.