Specifying the names of the backup data sets

Use subparameters of the SETSYS CDSVERSIONBACKUP command to specify the data set names that are to be assigned to the backup data sets. You can use up to 35 characters in the data set name, including periods, but you must not end the name with a period. DFSMShsm appends a qualifier to the data set name that you specify. The form of this qualifier depends on the data mover used to perform the backup:
Note: nnnnnnn is the version number. y is the volume for a multicluster CDS. DSy does not exist if the CDS is only one volume.

If you do not specify the data set names, DFSMShsm generates names of uid.BCDS.BACKUP, uid.MCDS.BACKUP, uid.OCDS.BACKUP, and uid.JRNL.BACKUP for the data sets. DFSMShsm substitutes the UID from the startup procedure for uid.

The following commands, used in the example system and added to the ARCCMDxx member in processing unit 1, demonstrate DFSMShsm processing when the data set names are not specified: