What you are expected to do

Making DFSMShsm perform useful work in your system requires four sets of tasks:

The first of these sets of tasks is described in the z/OS DFSMShsm Implementation and Customization Guide. DFSMShsm provides a starter set of DFSMShsm commands used at each DFSMShsm startup in SYS1.SAMPLIB to help you get started using DFSMShsm.

This guide describes the second, third, and fourth sets of tasks. That is, it describes how to use DFSMShsm to manage your storage, how to monitor and tune DFSMShsm operations, and how to partition DFSMShsm activities between all of the DFSMShsm hosts. Because this document is designed as a textbook, you can learn about DFSMShsm tasks by reading this document from beginning to end. However, because this document is organized by tasks, once you understand which tasks you want to perform, you can go to specific topics to learn all of the necessary activities for that specific task.

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