DASDONLY, DUMPONLY, and BOTH: Specifying which copies to delete


DASDONLY, DUMPONLY, and BOTH are mutually exclusive, optional parameters that indicate to DFSMShsm which copies to delete.
DFSMShsm is to delete only the DASD copies for the specified copy pool.
DFSMShsm is to delete only the dump copies for the specified copy pool.
Optional parameter that specifies to DFSMShsm which specific dump classes to delete.
dclass1, ... dclass5
Up to five dump class names, each separated by a comma. If a dump class name is listed multiple times, DFSMShsm fails the command.
DFSMShsm is to delete both DASD and dump copies for the specified copy pool.


If you do not specify DUMPONLY, DASDONLY, or BOTH, the default is DASDONLY.

Usage notes:
  1. Unlike autodump expiration, the FRDELETE command does not keep the last indicated version.
  2. If the DUMPCLASS parameter is not specified, DFSMShsm deletes all dump copies associated with the specification of the VERSIONS, TOKEN, or ALL parameters.