INDATASET: Specifying the use of a data set containing a volume list

Explanation: INDATASET is a required parameter that causes a list of original tape volume references in the supplied data set to be replaced with a list of alternate tape volume references. volrepl.list.dsname is the data set name of the cataloged data set. This data set must not be a migrated data set when the command is issued.

When allocating the volume list data set, use the following parameters for:
Specify F, FB, FS, or FBS
Specify 80
Specify a multiple of LRECL
Use physical sequential (PS) organization.
When building the volume list contents, use the following entry format:
Original tape volume serial number to be replaced.
Alternate tape volume serial number to use. If an alternate tape volume serial number is not specified, the value found in the alternate volume field of the original volume’s OCDS TTOC record is used.

Defaults: None.

Example: The following is an example of the format for the input volume list data set:
Columns:  1----6 8---13
Content:  orig.  alt.
          volser volser

          * * * Top of Data * * *
Line 1:   ML1100 DBK070
Line 2:   ML2101
          * * * End of Data * * *
Line 1
specifies replacement of the original tape volume labeled ML1100 with the alternate tape volume DBK070.
Line 2
specifies replacement of the original tape volume labeled ML2101 with the alternate tape volume specified in the OCDS TTOC record for volume ML2101.