INDATASET: Specifying to use a data set containing a volume list

Explanation: INDATASET(volcopy.list.dsname) is a required parameter specifying to use a list of original tape volumes contained in the data set supplied and create alternate tape volume copies of them. The alternate tape volumes are made even though the original volumes may not be marked as full.

volcopy.list.dsname is the data set name of the cataloged data set. This data set must not be a migrated data set when the command is issued.

When allocating the volume list data set, use the following parameters for:
Specify F, FB, FS, or FBS
Specify 80
Specify a multiple of LRECL
Use physical sequential (PS) organization.
When building the volume list contents, use the following entry format:
Original volume source to be copied. Specify this volume by its volume serial number.
Alternate volume target specified by its volume serial number. You can also use a volume serial number of PRIVAT, meaning that DFSMShsm is to use a scratch tape for the target. If a volume serial number is not specified, the default is the value found in the alternate volume field of the OCDS TTOC record.
This field is used to specify an alternate tape volume expiration date. The date is placed in the tape label but has no relation to when DFSMShsm will remove the tape from its inventory. The alternate tape is deleted by DFSMShsm at the same time the original tape is deleted. Use the format as ccyyddd and right justify the date within the field. If no expiration date is specified in this field, the expiration date specified or defaulted for the command is used.
The date is checked for validity, and the tape listed in the input record is not copied if the check fails. If the cc field (below) is blank, the date limits are the current date to 31 December 1999. Date limits are otherwise the current date to 31 December 2155.
This is a field used to specify the first two digits of the year. If the current date is before 1 January 2000, this field can be left blank; the year will be interpreted as 19yy.
This field specifies the last two digits of the year.
This field specifies the Julian day in the year.
  1. If an expiration date is supplied, it is processed as described under the EXPDT parameter. The exception is that if an expiration date is invalid, only the tape listed in the input record is failed.
  2. If the expiration date is not supplied in an input record, the EXPDT parameter on the TAPECOPY command is used.
  3. Past dates are not recognized as expiration dates.
  4. Values for ccyyddd of 1999365 and 1999366 are recognized as “never expire” dates. Values of 1998000 and 1999000 are recognized as meaningful to certain tape management systems.
  5. If no expiration date is supplied, DFSMShsm uses the expiration date specified or defaulted for the command.

Defaults: None.

Example: The following is an example of the format for the input volume list data set:
Columns:1----6 8---13 15---21
Format: source target ccyyddd

        * * * Top of Data * * *
Line 1: JHG191 DBK001 2101001
Line 2: ML1002 PRIVAT 2101059
Line 3: ML2100 DBK070
Line 4: ML2101
        * * * End of Data * * *
Line 1
JHG191 is the source volume, DBK001 is the target volume and retain the target volume until January 1, 2101.
Line 2
ML1002 is the source volume, use a scratch tape for the target volume and retain the target volume until February 28, 2101.
Line 3
ML2100 is the source volume, DBK070 is the target volume and retain until the date (if any) specified with the EXPDT parameter.
Line 4
ML2101 is the source volume, use a scratch tape and retain the target volume until the date (if any) specified with the EXPDT parameter.