VOLUME: Specifying the space management attribute for the eligible data sets on a volume

Explanation: VOLUME(volser1) is the required parameter to specify migration, data set deletion, or data set retirement for eligible data sets on one volume. Eligible data sets on a volume not managed by DFSMShsm or SMS can migrate or be scratched if you specify the UNIT parameter. Information for any volume migration or data set deletion is printed in the migration activity log. Eligible data sets on a volume can be scratched after they have been inactive for the number of days you specified.

For volser1, substitute the serial number of the level 0 volume from which you want to migrate or delete eligible data sets.

The MIGRATE command fails if the command is specified with a single migration level 1 or migration level 2 volume and the MIGRATE optional parameter is either specified on the command or is the default. This function is allowed only by using the FREEVOL command.

Subparameter Explanation
DELETEBYAGE (days) The data sets on the volume are scratched if they have been inactive for the number of days you specified. If you specify DELETEBYAGE, the eligible data sets are scratched even if they do not have backup versions; however, if the expiration date of the data set has not been reached, DFSMShsm does not delete the data set. For days, substitute a decimal number from 0 to 999. For example, if you substitute 10 for days, DFSMShsm scratches those data sets that have not been referred to for 10 days.
DELETEIFBACKEDUP (days) The data sets on the volume are scratched if they have been inactive for the number of days you specified. The data set, however, must have a current backup version before DFSMShsm can scratch it from the volume. A backup version is current if it was created on a date after the data set was last referenced. For days, substitute a decimal number from 1 to 999. For example, if you substitute 25 for days, DFSMShsm scratches those data sets that have not been referred to for at least 25 days and that have current backup versions.

DFSMShsm can do data set deletion or data set retirement on any primary or migration volume. The migration level 2 volume can be tape or DASD.

MIGRATE All eligible data sets migrate from the specified level 0 volume to a migration level 1 volume or tape migration level 2 volume. The migration level used is determined by the SETSYS TAPEMIGRATION command. For days, substitute a decimal number from 0 to 999. For example, if you substitute a 5, DFSMShsm migrates those data sets that have not been referred to for 5 days. This value is called the minimum migration age.
When you request migration from a primary volume, the following conditions apply:
  • If you specify the MIGRATE(days) subparameter, DFSMShsm migrates the data sets based on the minimum migration age you specify with days. DFSMShsm ignores any thresholds of occupancy for the volume.
  • If you do not specify the MIGRATE(days) subparameter, two conditions apply:
    • If you defined thresholds of occupancy with the ADDVOL command, DFSMShsm migrates the data sets (starting with the oldest) until the low threshold of occupancy is reached or until DFSMShsm finds a data set whose inactive age is less than the minimum migration age. You specified this minimum migration age with the ADDVOL or SETSYS command.
    • If you did not define thresholds of occupancy, DFSMShsm migrates the data sets based on the minimum migration age specified with the MIGRATE(days) parameter of the ADDVOL command. If you did not specify the minimum migration age with the ADDVOL command, DFSMShsm uses the current minimum migration age from the DAYS parameter of the SETSYS command.

Defaults: If you do not specify one of the MIGRATE, DELETEIFBACKEDUP, or DELETEBYAGE subparameters, DFSMShsm uses the space management technique you specified in the ADDVOL command.

  1. If you specify a volume that you have not added to DFSMShsm with the ADDVOL command, you must also specify the UNIT parameter.
  2. If you specify a tape migration level 2 volume and the MIGRATE subparameter, the command fails. To move data sets from a tape migration level 2 volume to another tape migration level 2 volume, use the RECYCLE command.
  3. If the MIGRATE subparameter of the VOLUME parameter is specified on the MIGRATE command for a DASD migration level 1 volume, the command will fail, and an error message is issued. The migrate space management function for a DFSMShsm migration level 1 DASD volume is supported only by using the FREEVOL command.