SELECT (MIGRATIONLEVEL1, MIGRATIONLEVEL2, VOLUME(volser), BACKUP, and BOTH): Requesting specific information for volumes

Explanation: MIGRATIONLEVEL1, MIGRATIONLEVEL2, VOLUME(volser), BACKUP, and BOTH are mutually exclusive, optional parameters you specify to request a list of selected information for migration or backup volumes.

specifies that you want a list of the volume entries for all migration level 1 volumes. This parameter is used only with DATASETNAME and LEVEL.
specifies that you want a list of the volume entries for all migration level 2 volumes.
specifies that you want a list for a particular volume. For volser, substitute the serial number of the specific volume you want listed. When you specify VOLUME(volser) to list a backup volume, the output contains a list of the latest backup versions on the volume.
is used only with the LIST TAPETABLEOFCONTENTS with no volser specified. You specify BACKUP to list all backup volumes.
is specified to list both migration and backup volumes.

Defaults: If the SELECT subparameters RECALLTAKEAWAY, ASSOCIATED, or NOTASSOCIATED is specified, the default is MIGRATIONLEVEL2. Otherwise, the default is BOTH.