DUMPCONTENTS: Listing contents of a set of dump volumes

Explanation: DUMPCONTENTS is an optional parameter. You can specify a contents list for a set of dump volumes. The listing is from a full-volume dump VTOC copy data set and represents the contents of the user volume at the time the dump was done.

For any dump volume that is stacked with more than one valid dump copy, you must specify the srcvol subparameter to indicate which dump contents you desire.

The following information is listed for each data set on the source volume:
Defaults: None.
  1. DUMPCONTENTS is meaningful only when volser is specified with the DUMPVOLUME parameter.
  2. The DUMPCONTENTS parameter is not equivalent to the BACKUPCONTENTS parameter.
  3. DUMPCONTENTS is ignored when PRIMARYVOLUME is specified.
  4. DUMPCONTENTS applies only to dumps made from level 0 volumes. VTOC copies are not made for migration level 1 volumes. If this parameter is specified for a migration level 1 dump copy, it is ignored.