RECALL: Preventing recall and deletion

Explanation: RECALL is an optional parameter specifying which recalls (automatic or command) and deletions of a migrated data set are prevented.

The RECALL parameter, without any subparameters, specifies that all recall and data set deletion tasks from all volumes are prevented. No more recall or data set deletion tasks are started.

Subparameter Explanation
TAPE RECALL(TAPE) specifies that recall requests from all tape volumes do not process. If you specify RECALL(TAPE) for a host that is participating in a common recall queue, the host selects only recall requests that do not require tape.

RECALL(TAPE(TSO)) specifies that TSO recall requests from migration level 2 tapes are prevented. Recall requests from tape submitted from a batch job and all nontape volumes are still processed.

Defaults: None.
  1. All nonWAIT requests remain queued when the appropriate function is held.
  2. If TSO tape recalls are held, a WAIT-type recall from tape that was submitted through TSO is changed to a non-WAIT-type request. The user is told that the request remains on the queue to be processed when the function is released.
  3. All WAIT recall or deletion requests from batch or from the storage administrator are failed when RECALL is held.
  4. All WAIT recall requests from tape, from batch, or from the storage administrator are failed when tape recall is held.