When you specify UNASSIGN with the MIGRATION parameter, UNASSIGN specifies that the DASD migration level 2 volume is no longer associated with its key range and is available for selection. If the volume is a tape migration level 2 volume, DFSMShsm marks the volume as not selected. Therefore, the tape migration level 2 volume is available unless it is full.

Defaults: If you do not specify PURGE, REASSIGN, or UNASSIGN, the default is UNASSIGN.

  1. You can delete valid data from a tape backup volume or dump volume if you specify the PURGE parameter. DFSMShsm deletes all control data set information associated with each valid backup version dump copy on the purged tape backup volume or dump volume. As a result, DFSMShsm can no longer recover backup versions from the tape volume.
  2. You specify only a migration level 2 volume when you use the PURGE or UNASSIGN subparameter with the MIGRATION parameter. If you specify a migration level 1 volume, DFSMShsm ignores the parameter and a purge is performed.
  3. If you use the PURGE parameter to remove a tape volume from control of DFSMShsm and the tape volume is protected by a password or expiration date, reinitialize the tape volume. You reinitialize the tape volume with the IEHINITT utility. If you do not reinitialize the purged tape volume and another program tries to write on the tape volume, message IEC512I is issued and the tape volume is unloaded.
  4. If you do not reinitialize the purged tape volume, and if DFSMShsm protected the tape volume with an expiration date, and another program tried to write on the tape volume, the following occurs:
    • Message IEC507D is issued.
    • The operator is prompted to approve or disapprove the attempt to write over an expiration-date-protected data set whose expiration date has not been reached. If the operator disapproves the use of the tape volume, the tape volume is unloaded and removed from the inventory of backup or migration volumes.
  5. Messages IEC512I and IEC507D occur only if the program trying to write on the tape volume is not using the volume verification exit to override the password or expiration date protection on the first file on the tape volume.
  6. If you use the ADDVOL command to add a purged tape volume to the list of tape volumes owned by DFSMShsm and the purged tape volume was previously protected by a password or expiration date, reinitialize the tape volume. If you do not reinitialize the purged tape volume and another program tries to write on the tape volume, message IEC512I is issued, the tape volume is unloaded, and the tape volume is removed from the inventory of backup, dump, and migration volumes.
  7. If a dump volume has more than one dump copy stacked on it, you must use the PURGE parameter to delete the volume.