Syntax of the DELVOL command

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                   |         '-| Fragment A |-'    |   
                   |       '-| Fragment B |-'      |   
                   |            '-| Fragment A |-' |   

A: BACKUP and MIGRATION optional parameters

   |   .-UNASSIGN-.   |   

B: DUMP optional parameters

      +-UNASSIGN-+  '---LASTCOPY---'  '-COPYPOOLCOPY-'      

  1. If you specify the COPYPOOLCOPY, LASTCOPY, MARKFULL, PURGE, REASSIGN, or UNASSIGN subparameter of the BACKUP, DUMP, or MIGRATION parameter, you must put parentheses around the subparameter.
  2. If the volume serial number is for an SMS-managed volume, only the PRIMARY parameter applies.
  3. If a DELVOL MIGRATION command is used to delete a migration volume while the automatic secondary space management function is running, the DELVOL MIGRATION command fails.
  4. If SMS storage groups change, use the DELVOL command to remove from DFSMShsm control those volumes that were removed from the SMS storage groups before daily automatic functions started. Remove those volumes on all DFSMShsm systems that know about them so that the MVT entries are no longer present.