SWITCHTAPES: Releasing mounted tapes for command data set backup

Explanation: SWITCHTAPES is an optional parameter that defines when to release those tapes mounted to process data set backup commands.

Subparameter Explanation
DSBACKUP SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP) is a required subparameter that specifies that the data set backup function performs a demount of all mounted data set backup tapes.

You can use the following optional parameters with the SWITCHTAPES parameter.

Subparameter Explanation
TIME SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP(TIME(hhmm))) specifies the time of day to demount mounted data set backup tapes. For hhmm, specify the planned demount time. If you specify TIME with hhmm as zero, DFSMShsm does not demount any mounted tapes. If the tape is mounted but not actively processing a data set, the demount occurs at the time indicated by TIME. If a tape is actively processing a data set, DFSMShsm demounts the tape at the end of the current data set.
Note: The hhmm format expresses time as a four-digit decimal number that is based on the 24-hour clock. The hh specifies the hour and mm specifies the minutes. For example, you can specify 1:15 p.m. as 1315, and you can specify midnight as 2400. The maximum value you can specify for hh is 24, the maximum value you can specify for mm is 59, and the maximum value you can specify for hhmm is 2400.
AUTOBACKUPEND SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP(AUTOBACKUPEND)) specifies that DFSMShsm demounts all tapes that were mounted for data set backup at the end of the autobackup cycle. Before the autobackup cycle ends, all retries (data sets that were in use when the initial attempt to backup occurred) complete.
PARTIALTAPE SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP(PARTIALTAPE)) specifies the method that DFSMShsm uses to mark a single-file format output tape as full or available for reuse when a switch tape event occurs.
REUSE SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP(REUSE)) specifies that all partial tapes demounted with the SWITCHTAPES option remain selectable in the DFSMShsm inventory as partial tapes.
MARKFULL SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP(MARKFULL)) specifies that DFSMShsm marks full all partial tapes demounted with the SWITCHTAPES option. If backups are going to the IBM® Virtual Tape Server (VTS) subsystem, refer to the SETSYS PARTIALTAPE parameter description for performance considerations.

Defaults: TIME(0) is the default if you specify the SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP) command without specifying the TIME or AUTOBACKUPEND parameters. MARKFULL is the default if you specify the SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP) command without specifying the PARTIALTAPE parameter.

Note: If you specify the MARKFULL parameter of the SWITCHTAPES(DSBACKUP) command, DFSMShsm marks full the tapes that are released from command data set backup. Any other partial tapes in the DFSMShsm backup inventory are unaffected, and those partials remain as selection candidates and can be immediately selected and mounted for new output processing.