STACK: Specifying the maximum number of dump copies to be stacked for the specified dump classes

Explanation: STACK is an optional parameter of DUMP, specifying the maximum number of dump copies to stack on a dump volume in a specified dump class.

The list of stack values corresponds to the list of dump classes. A dump volume in the first specified dump class will have no more dump copies than specified in the first stack value, and so on.

Subparameter Explanation
nnn STACK(nnn) specifies the stack value for the corresponding dump class. This value overrides the value in the dump class definition. For nnn, substitute a value from 1 to 255.
* STACK(*) is specified as a placeholder to denote that the stack value for the corresponding dump class should be taken from that dump class definition.
Defaults: If fewer stack values are listed than dump classes, stack values beyond those specified are taken from the corresponding dump class definitions.
  1. The BACKVOL command fails if the number of stack values that are specified for STACK is greater than the number of dump classes that are specified for DUMPCLASS.
  2. If you use BACKVOL to dump a single volume, the STACK parameter is ignored.
  3. STACK is applicable only if DUMPCLASS is specified and the STACK values apply to the specified dump classes.
  4. If DUMPCLASS is specified without STACK, the stack values are taken from the dump classes that are specified.
  5. If neither DUMPCLASS nor STACK is specified, the stack values for each storage group are taken from the dump classes that are associated with that storage group.