MIGRATIONCLEANUPDAYS: Specifying the number of days to keep MCDS data set records and statistics records

Explanation: MIGRATIONCLEANUPDAYS(recalldays statdays reconnectdays) is an optional parameter specifying the number of days that DFSMShsm keeps MCDS records for recalled data sets or keeps daily and volume statistics records before it deletes them during migration cleanup. The REPORT command uses the daily and volume statistics records. The IDCAMS DCOLLECT function gathers them when the CAPPLANDATA keyword is specified.

For recalldays, substitute a decimal number from 0 to 999 for the number of days since the date of recall that DFSMShsm keeps MCDS data set records for recalled data sets.

For statdays, substitute a decimal number from 1 to 999 for the number of days DFSMShsm keeps the daily and volume statistics records.

For reconnectdays, substitute a decimal number from 0 to 999 for the number of days that DFSMShsm uses to calculate how long to keep the MCDS data set records for recalled data sets that are candidates for reconnection.

This algorithm shows the calculation. The predicted remigration date is the date of recall plus the number of days of nonuse when the data set last migrated. For example: This equals a predicted remigration date of 99.135. The 10 days the data set went unreferenced prior to the migration is added to the recall date to calculate the predicted remigration date. To this predicted remigration date, add the value specified for the reconnectdays parameter (in our example, we are using a value of 5). The MCDS data set record is retained through 99.140.

SMS relationship: Parameter differs in meaning when applied to SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed DASD volumes or data sets.

SETSYS default: None.

DFSMShsm default: If you do not specify this parameter on any SETSYS command, the DFSMShsm defaults for recalldays is 10, for statdays is 30, and for reconnectdays is 3.

  1. The MCDS record for a reconnectable data set is not deleted until both the recalldays and reconnectdays criteria are met.
  2. The recalldays value specifies to DFSMShsm how long to keep MCDS data set records for recalled data sets that were not compacted or were compacted and met or exceeded the current value of SETSYS COMPACTPERCENT. For data sets that were compacted but did not meet the current value of SETSYS COMPACTPERCENT, the MCDS data set records are retained for 90 days.