MIGRATEDDATA: Specifying the migration level for recovering migrated data sets

Explanation: MIGRATEDDATA is an optional parameter specifying the migration level when recovering migrated data sets.

Subparameter Explanation
ML1 MIGRATEDDATA(ML1) specifies that all migrated data sets are recovered to migration level 1 DASD. This is the default if you do not specify MIGRATEDDATA.
ML2 MIGRATEDDATA(ML2) specifies that all migrated data sets are recovered to nonspecific tape volumes which are then managed by DFSMShsm as migration level 2 volumes.
SOURCELEVEL MIGRATEDDATA(SOURCELEVEL) specifies that all ML1 migrated data sets at the ABACKUP site are recovered to migration level 1 DASD; all ML2 DASD or ML2 tape migrated data sets are recovered to nonspecific tape volumes and then ADDVOLed as migration level 2 volumes.
Defaults: None.
Note: You must specify the tape unit name when recovering migrated data sets to nonspecific volumes. Use the SETSYS ARECOVERML2UNIT command to specify the tape unit name in a nonspecific volume request. Valid tape unit names or esoteric unit names specified in the SETSYS USERUNITTABLE command are also accepted. If the unit name is not specified, the default tape unit name is 3590-1. You must specify a machine type specific esoteric name when in a mixed tape machine-type environment.