DUMPCLASS(HWCOMPRESS): Specifying whether to compress the data to be encrypted

Explanation: HWCOMPRESS is an optional parameter specifying whether DFSMSdss is to perform hardware-assisted compression on the dump data. Typically you can use it in conjunction with host based encryption specified in the DUMPCLASS, but not in conjunction with tape hardware encryption.

Subparameter Explanation
HWCOMPRESS(YES) DUMPCLASS(HWCOMPRESS(YES)) When YES is specified, hardware-assisted compression will be performed. Specify this option only when encryption is being used; it specifies that the data should be compressed before it is encrypted.
HWCOMPRESS(NO) DUMPCLASS(HWCOMPRESS(NO)) When NO is specified, hardware-assisted compression will not be performed. HWCOMPRESS(NO) can be specified to override an existing setting of HWCOMPRESS(YES). If the data is not being encrypted, specify HWCOMPRESS(NO) so that tape hardware compression is used.

Defaults: When HWCOMPRESS is not specified and was not previously set in the existing dump class definition, NO is used by default.