SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART: Specifying the start and stop time for automatic secondary space management

Explanation: SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART(hhmm1␠hhmm2) is an optional parameter you use to specify when automatic secondary space management functions are to start and stop. If DFSMShsm does not start automatic secondary space management between the specified start and stop times, automatic secondary space management functions are not done for that day.

For hhmm1, substitute the planned start time for automatic secondary space management. If you specify it as 0000, secondary space management will not start.

For hhmm2, substitute the planned stop time for automatic secondary space management. If hhmm2 is set to zero, this is the same as not including the hhmm2 parameter.

Note: Time is based on the 24-hour clock and is expressed as a four-digit decimal number in the format hhmm. The hour is represented by hh and the minutes by mm. For example, 1:15 p.m. is 1315 and midnight is 2400. The maximum value you can specify for hh is 24, the maximum value you can specify for mm is 59, and the maximum value you can specify for hhmm is 2400.

The SETSYS SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART command will fail if the start and stop times are the same.

SMS relationship: Parameter has the same meaning when applied to SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed DASD volumes or data sets.

SETSYS default: If only one time is specified in SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART, DFSMShsm starts the automatic secondary space management functions between the time specified and midnight. Automatic secondary space management runs until completion.

DFSMShsm default: If you do not specify this parameter, no automatic secondary space management functions are done. ML1 volumes will eventually run out of space.

  1. Any outstanding MWEs for data set deletion that were built by secondary space management up to the stop time, continue to be processed. After the stop time, secondary space management generates no new MWEs. When many MWEs are waiting for processing, their processing may continue well after secondary space management itself has stopped processing. However, recalls and user-requested deletes have a higher priority than those deletes that are performed from secondary space management.
  2. If SECONDARYSPMGMTSTART is issued dynamically with a zero value for hhmm1 to convert to no longer running the function and automatic secondary space management is currently running, it runs to completion with the originally established planned stop time. This is true regardless of the hhmm2 value specified in the newly issued command. DFSMShsm does not start automatic secondary space management again unless another command is issued establishing a new start time. A QUERY SETSYS will show zero for the planned start time and the originally established stop time.