If you entered Y in the RECOVER INDIVIDUAL DATASET field of panel DFQDCAG5 (Figure 1), your ISMF session includes panel DFQDCAGC.Figure 1 shows a representation of the ISMF DFQDCAGC individual data set recovery panel.

Figure 1. Aggregate Recovery Panel DFQDCAGC
   Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help
DFQDCAGC                     AGGREGATE GROUP RECOVER          Page 7 of 8


  Specify Data Set Name for Individual Recovery:

    Single Data Set Name .  .  . ____________________________________________
                                                           (1 to 44 Characters)

    List of Names Data Set  .  . ____________________________________________
                                                           (1 to 44 Characters)

Use ENTER to Continue;
Use HELP Command for Help; Use END to Exit.
The following is a description of the fields of panel DFQDCAGC, which contains two fields. Enter either a single data set name or the name of a data set that contains a list of data sets to be recovered: Only one of the two fields can be specified; leave the other field blank.