Specifies a destination name or TCP/IP
address for the print data set when you are using the Download for z/OS and AFP Download Plus features
of PSF. For more information about using the DEST parameter with these
features, see PSF for z/OS: Download for z/OS and PSF for z/OS: AFP Download Plus.
Specify the DEST parameter in a DD statement or in an OUTPUT statement,
as follows:
- DEST=[node.]name |
- The values are:
- node
- Specifies a one to eight alphanumeric character node for a printer
attached to a different system. The node is optional unless you are
specifying a destination on a remote system.
- name
- Specifies a one to eight alphanumeric character name assigned
to a printer on your system or, with the node, a printer attached
to a different system.
Not every printer has an assigned destination
name. To determine what destination name, if any, you can use for
your printer, see Page-printer defaults form or consult your
system programmer.
- IP:ipaddr
- Specifies a TCP/IP destination address for a printer, where ipaddr is
a character string of 1 to 124 printable characters. If node is
used with the IP address, the entire value is limited to 127 characters.
The IP address must be enclosed in single quotation marks.
Remember this about the DEST parameter:
- If you specify a DEST parameter both in the DD statement and in
the OUTPUT statement, PSF ignores the parameter in the OUTPUT statement.
- When your job uses direct-printing mode, the DEST parameter does
not apply.
- This example is of a DD statement that specifies DEST:
- In this example, the print data set that is specified on the DD
statement selects the destination printer specified in the OUTPUT
- In this example, JES sends the print data set to a
node and printer name on a remote system:
- In this example, JES sends the print data set to a
printer at the specified IP address:
- In this example, JES sends the print data set to a
node and IP address for a printer on a remote system: