Limiting the scope of a withdraw using the XTNTLST

XTNTLST acts in conjunction with the other withdraw techniques such as target only, source and target, and DDSW, to restrict which relationships are affected by the withdraw command processing. The XTNTLST becomes an additional filter to determine which relationships and tracks are processed.

If DDSW(YES) is not specified, this is considered a partial withdraw. If an existing relationship intersects the specified extent ranges, only those tracks within the specified ranges will be withdrawn, and an extent split will occur to create one or more new relationships for the remaining tracks not being withdrawn. The request could fail if the additional relationship(s) cause you to go beyond the maximum number of relationships allowed.

If DDSW(YES) is specified, handling of the extent specification is somewhat different. If an existing relationship intersects a specified extent range, that entire relationship will be withdrawn, even if it contains tracks which are not within the specified range.

The following provides an example of how you can limit the scope of a DDSW(YES) withdraw using the XTNTLST parameter. The basis for this example is Figure 1 . The processing that occurs is based on the issuance of the following command and supporting assumptions.

Example assumptions:

The following events occur when the command FCWITHDR SDEVN(ssss) DDSW(YES) XTNTLST (c1h1 c2h2 c3h3 c4h4) is processed against Volume A:

For additional information about the XTNTLST parameter, refer to page XTNTLST.