ANTRQST application programming interface overview

The ANTRQST assembler macro provides an application program call to the z/OS® system data mover's application programming interface (API). This macro allows you to call XRC, PPRC, FlashCopy®, and SnapShot copy functions. You might need to ensure that necessary address spaces, such as ANTAS000, ANTAS001, or ANTMAIN, are active when you process this macro.

A QFRVOLS request has been added to the ANTRQST macro. DFSMSdss invokes the QFRVOLS request to determine if volumes are eligible to participate in a fast replication operation. In addition, the SCREXTENTS and TGTEXTENTS of the FCESTABLISH and FCWITHDRAW requests allow target extent relocation. The specified target extent does not have to match the corresponding source extent.

For additional information about the ANTRQST assembler macro, refer to ANTRQST and ANTRQSTL macros – call to the system data mover API.

For additional information about fast replication functions and FlashCopy, refer to What is FlashCopy?.